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UNHCR Highlights Contribution of Refugees to Rwanda’s Development at Cultural Evening Sponsored by Kigali Marriott Hotel

UNHCR Highlights Contribution of Refugees to Rwanda’s Development at Cultural Evening Sponsored by Kigali Marriott Hotel

21 June 2017

20 June 2017 | Kigali: The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) organized a cultural evening to commemorate World Refugee Day 2017 with the Government of Rwanda Ministry of Disaster Management and Refugee Affairs (MIDIMAR). The cultural evening is part of a suite of World Refugee Day events being organized in Rwanda this year, including celebrations in all refugee camps and a series of events for urban refugees in Kigali and Huye, based on the theme of refugee self-reliance. “Although refugees are often vulnerable and living in difficult conditions, many refugees are also capable, skilled and visionary and manage to stand on their own feet to contribute to their communities and also to their host country—and we must honor and empower them,” said UNHCR Representative Saber Azam.

Each year, UNHCR commemorates World Refugee Day around the world as a way of raising awareness about the situation of millions of refugees who have been forced to flee their homes due to war, conflict and persecution. This year in Rwanda, UNHCR marked the day with refugees all across the country, who today number almost 170,000 living in six camps and urban areas, culminating the day with the event sponsored by the Kigali Marriott Hotel. “We at the Kigali Marriott are proud to have helped commemorate World Refugee Day with UNHCR and MIDIMAR, honoring the talents, skills and contribution of refugees,” said Ms. Vanessa Delgado, Marriott Marketing and Communications Manager. The high-level event was attended by the UNHCR Representative, Minister of MIDIMAR Serafine Mukantabana among other Government officials, U.S. Ambassador Erica Barks-Ruggles and other members of the diplomatic corps, heads of UN and NGO partners.


The event at the Marriott featured an exposition of refugee entrepreneurs and artisans who are owning businesses or producing high quality goods competitive in the national and even the international market. After a performance of traditional dancing by Congolese urban refugees, a Congolese refugee youth, Mr. Dogon Nshimiyimana, provided a testimony about his life in Gihembe camp in Rwanda and his aspirations for his future now that he has been accepted and sponsored to pursue a Master’s degree with New York University in the United States.

Ambassador Barks-Ruggles followed by giving remarks acknowledging the contribution that refugees like Dogon can make to their own community but also to the host community. “We are working to provide funding, technical assistance, and other resources that help refugee-hosting countries, such as Rwanda, to expand access to schools, healthcare systems, livelihoods opportunities, and local employment so that refugees can support themselves and their families and improve their own futures.”

Burundian refugees from Mahama Camp then graced the catwalk, modelling Rwandan-designed clothing as they had done for the first time a few weeks prior when UNHCR and Rwandan designer Amedy Kamikaza partnered to include them in Kigali Fashion Week. The finale of the evening was a concert by Indian composer and singer Mr. Suhail Zargar, who together with Machal Band of Rwanda performed the world premiere of a song he composed for the occasion of World Refugee Day and highlighting the remarkable and open welcome Rwanda offers.

“We cannot commemorate World Refugee Day without giving credit due to countries hosting refugees, particularly countries like Rwanda, which despite facing constraints in land continues to welcome refugees with open arms and goes as far as committing to include refugees in its national development agenda. But we use this occasion to also recognize and pay tribute to the contribution that refugees are making to the development of the country,” said Azam.