Voluntary repatriation
Voluntary repatriation
Millions of refugees dream of going home. As the durable solution of choice for the largest number of refugees, voluntary repatriation in safety and dignity requires the full commitment of the country of origin to help reintegrate its own people.
It also needs the continuing support of the international community through the crucial post-conflict phase to ensure that those who make the brave decision to go home can rebuild their lives in a stable environment.
It also needs the continuing support of the international community through the crucial post-conflict phase to ensure that those who make the brave decision to go home can rebuild their lives in a stable environment.

© UNHCR/D. Diaz
Our priorities are to promote enabling conditions for voluntary repatriation, to ensure the exercise of a free and informed choice, and to mobilize support for returnees. In practice, we promote and facilitate voluntary repatriation through various means, including organizing "go-and-see" visits for refugees, compiling updated information on their country and region of origin, engaging in peace and reconciliation activities, promoting housing and property restitution, and providing return assistance and legal aid to returnees.
Repatriation handbooks and guides
Practical guides and protection principles on voluntary repatriation.