Recorded parallel high-level events
Recorded parallel high-level events

Parallel high-level events
Additional video content
Plenary session: Recorded webcasts from the official plenary session of the Global Refugee Forum 2023.
- Speakers' Corner: A series of short, impactful talks from a range of speakers on best practices and innovative approaches.
- Exhibition videos: Short videos from partners covering new ideas and best practices in forced displacement. These videos were featured in the exhibition space during the Global Refugee Forum 2023.
Wednesday 13 December
Unleashing economic potential: fostering entrepreneurship and employment
Panel and speakers
Ms. Jean-Marie Ishimwee, Co-Founder & Partnerships Lead, Youth Voices Community (YVC)
Ms. Nasra Ismail, Board Member, RefugePoint & US Executive Director of Alight
Mr. Sajjad Malik, Director, Division of Resilience and Solutions, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Ms. Elizabeth Campbell, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Population, Refugees, and Migration, Government of the United States of America
Ms. Scarlet Cronin, Vice President of Global Strategy, Tent Partnership for Refugees
Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu, Executive Secretary, Intergovernmental Authority on Development
Ms. Pascalle Grotenhuis, Director-General for International Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of the Netherlands (Kingdom of)
Ms. Martha Patricia Herrera González, Secretary of Equality and Inclusion, State of Nuevo León Government of Mexico
Ms. Lotte Machon, State Secretary for Development Policy, Government of Denmark
Mr. Abdimajid Moalin Abdullahi, Manager, Fragility and Resilience Division, Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)
Mr. Hedayat Osyan, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, CommUnity Construction
Ms. Brune Poirson, Chief Sustainability Officer, Accor
Ms. Mia Seppo, Assistant Director-General, Jobs and Social Protection, International Labor Organization
Mr. Carsten Staur, Chair, Development Assistance Committee, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
Securing sustainable futures: responsibility to include refugees in national education systems
Panel and speakers
Ms. Bella Nshimirimana, Tertiary Refugee Student Network
Ms. Becky Telford, Chief of Education, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Mr. Haram Dar, Youth Representative of the BMZ
- Mr. Xavier Devictor, Co-Director, World Development Report, World Bank
- Mr. Ted Chaiban, Deputy Executive Director, Humanitarian Action and Supply Operations, United Nations Children's Fund
- Mr. Paul Frisoli, Acting Team Leader, LEGO Foundation
- Ms. Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director-General for Education, United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
Hon. Mr. Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship, Government of Canada
- Dr. Azmi Mahafzah Minister of Education and Higher Education and Scientific Research, Jordan
- Ms. Nyanen Malik, Refugee Youth Activist and Former Teacher
- Ms. Ruven Menikdiwela, Assistant High Commissioner, Protection, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Rt. Hon. Mr. Andrew Mitchell, Minister of State for Development and Africa, Government of the United Kingdom
- Mr. Abdessalam Ould Mohamed Saleh, Minister of Economic and Social Development, Government of Mauritania
- Ms. Svenja Schulze, Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Government of Germany
- Mr. Felix Sesay, Refugee Youth Representative
Ms. Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director, Education Cannot Wait
MIRPS and the MIRPS Support Platform: Protection And Solutions In Central America and Mexico
Panel and speakers
- Ms. Julieta Valls Noyes, Assistant Secretary for Population, Refugees, and Migration, Government of the United States of America
- Mr. Roberto Campa, Vice President of Corporate Affairs, FEMSA
- Ms. Pilar Cancela, Secretary of State for Migration, Government of Spain
- Mr. Geovani René Castillo Polanco, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, Government of Guatemala
Ms. Christiane Fox, Deputy Minister, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Government of Canada
Mr. Carlos Antonio García Carranza, Undersecretary of State for Consular and Migration Affairs, Government of Honduras
Ms. Juana López Córdoba, Vice Minister of Government, Government of Panama
Ambassador Rina Yessenia Lozano Gallegos, Permanent Representative of El Salvador to the United Nations Office at Geneva
- Dr. Gilroy Middleton, Chief Executive Officer Immigration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade, and Immigration, Government of Belize
- Mr. Felipe Muñoz, Chief, Migration Unit, Inter-American Development Bank
- Ms. Cinthia Pérez Trejo, Director General, Comisión Mexicana de Ayuda a Refugiados (COMAR), Government of Mexico
- Mr. Alejandro Solano, Vice Minister for Multilateral Affairs, Government of Costa Rica
- Ms. Ana Lorena Valle, President, Association of Nicaraguans in Mexico
UN Common Pledge 2.0 on Refugee Inclusion
Panel and speakers
- Ms. Femi Oke, Journalist and Broadcaster, Co-Founder of Moderate the Panel
Mr. Ted Chaiban, Deputy Executive Director, Humanitarian Action and Supply Operations, United Nations Children’s Fund
Ms. Faith Cooper, Delegate, US Refugee Advisory Board
Ms. Patricia Danzi, Director General, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Government of Switzerland
Mr. Thomas Djurhuus, Senior Partnerships Specialist, The World Bank
Mr. Seán Fleming, Minister of State for International Development and Diaspora, Government of Ireland
Ms. Helena Fraser, Director of the Policy and Programme Branch, United Nations Development Coordination Office
Ms. Rez Gardi, Co-Managing Director, R-SEAT
Ms. Thobo Gloria Letlhage, Deputy Permanent Secretary for Human Rights and Equity, Ministry of Justice, Government of Botswana
Ms. Abdinasir Hassen, DAFI scholar, Refugee Youth Empowerment Networking Organization
Ms. Dominique Hyde, Director, Division of External Relations, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Ms. Susan Ngongi Namondo, UN Resident Coordinator in Uganda, United Nations Resident Coordinator Office
Ms. Nathalie Olijslager, Director, Department for Stabilisation and Humanitarian Aid, Government of the Netherlands (Kingdom of)
Mr. Andrés Ramírez Silva, Head of the Comisión Mexicana de Ayuda a Refugiados (COMAR), Government of Mexico
Ms. Manuela Tomei, Assistant Director-General, Governance, Rights and Dialogue, International Labor Organization
Ms. Maria José Torres Macho, UN Resident Coordinator in Chile, United Nations Resident Coordinator Office
Achieving health and wellbeing for all: strengthening health systems and mental health & psychosocial support for refugees and host communities
Panel and speakers
Dr. Waheed Arian, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Arian Wellbeing
Ms. Danielle de la Fuente, Chief Executive Officer, Amal Alliance
Ms. Lara-Zuzan Golesorkhi, Executive Director of the Center for Migration, Gender and Justice
Mr. Niels Annen, Parliamentary Secretary of State, Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, Government of Germany
Mr. Ted Chaiban, Deputy Executive Director, Humanitarian Action and Supply Operations, United Nations Children Fund
H.R.H. Infanta Doña Cristina de Borbón, Director of International Programmes, La Caixa Foundation
Ms. Danielle De La Fuente, Chief Executive Officer, Amal Alliance
Dr. Lara-Zuzan Golesorkhi, Executive Director, Center for Migration, Gender and Justice
Dr. Zakira Hekmat, Director, Afghan Refugees Solidarity Association
Mr. David Karorero, Burundian Youth for a Brighter Future
Mr. Raouf Mazou, Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Dr. Abelkrim Meziane Belfkih, Secretary General, Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Government of Morocco
Dr. Santino Severoni, Director of Health and Migration, World Health Organization
Dr. Paul Spiegel, Director, Johns Hopkins University Center for Humanitarian Health
Mr. Paul St. John Frisoli, Senior Program Specialist, Lego Foundation
Ms. Claire Whitney, Senior Global MHPSS Advisor, International Medical Corps
Fostering Conducive Conditions for Safe and Dignified Return through Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention
Panel and speakers
- Ms. Elizabeth Spehar, Assistant Secretary-General, United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs
- H.E. Ms. Francia Elena Márquez Mina, Vice President, Government of Colombia
- Mr. Andreas Motzfeldt Kravik, Deputy Foreign Minister, Government of Norway
Amb. Dr. Ahmed Ihab Gamaleldin, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office in Geneva, Government of Egypt
- Ms. Nyakuma Peter Gatksuoth Riak, Founder, Together South Sudan
- Mr. Carlos Andrés Pérez Berrio, Director, Asociación Urabá Global
- Ms. Elizabeth Tan, Director, Division of International Protection, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Breaking Barriers: Realizing the Potential of Sport for Inclusion and Protection
Panel and speakers
- Ms. Benny Bonsu, Director of Daily Content at
- Ms. Masoma Ali Zada, Olympic cyclist, Refugee Olympic Team
- Mr. Thomas Bach, President, International Olympic Committee
- Mr. Andrew Baker, Chief External Affairs Officer, Canadian Olympic Committee
- H.R.H Prince Faisal Bin Bandar Al Saud, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Saudi Esports Federation
- Mr. Martin Dururu, President, Tambai Zimbabwe
- Mr. David Evangelista, President and Managing Director, Special Olympics Europe Eurasia, Special Olympics International
- Mr. Marc Eychenne, Non-Live Senior Director, Warner Bros. Discovery Sports Europe
- Ms. Sally-Ann Jennifer Fischer, Institute of European Sport Development and Leisure Studies, German Sport University Cologne
- Mr. Riccardo Fraccari, President, World Baseball Softball Confederation
- Ms. Katrin Grafarend, Head of International Relations, German Olympic Sports Federation
- The Honourable Kazembe Kazembe, Minister of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage, Government of Zimbabwe
- Ms. Julia Lambrecht, Co-Chief Executive Officer, Scort Foundation
- Ms. Kristina Malloy, Chief Membership and Impact Officer, International Paralympic Committee
- Ms. Michelle Manks, Senior Technical Advisor – Durable Solutions for Refugees, World University Service of Canada
- Ms. Yusra Mardini, Founder, Yusra Mardini Foundation and UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador
- Mr. Gerald Mballe, Special Advisor for Unified Refugee Programmes, Special Olympics International
- Mr. André Mendes, Senior Manager, Future Talent Programs, Adidas
- Mr. Elijah Njawuzi Mwebaza, Administrator, Uganda Olympic Committee
- Ms. Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, Minister for Sport and the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Government of France
- Mr. Laurent Overney, Delegate, Taekwondo Humanitarian Foundation Office
- Ms. Khalida Popal, Founder and Director, Girl Power Foundation
- Dr. Marta Segú Estruch, Executive Director, Football Club Barcelona Foundation
- Ms. Elizabeth Taylor Jay, Vice Minister of Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Colombia
- Ms. Ana Luiza Thompson-Flores Representative, Director, Liaison Office in Geneva for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
- Ms. Gillian Triggs, Assistant High Commissioner-Protection, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Mr. Michele Uva, Director of Social & Environmental Sustainability, Union of European Football Associations
SSAR Support Platform: The Afghanistan Situation
Panel and speakers
- Ms. Kathy Gannon, Former News Director for Pakistan and Afghanistan, Associated Press
- H.E. Asif Ali Khan Durrani, Special Envoy on Afghanistan, Government of Pakistan (Islamic Republic of)
- Mr. Daniel Endres, Deputy Special Representative for Afghanistan and United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Afghanistan, United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan
- Dr. Abdollah Mobini, Deputy Minister of Interior and Head of the National Organization for Migration, Government of Iran (Islamic Republic of)
- H.E. Shaheen Al-Kaabi, Director of International Cooperation, Government of Qatar
- Ms. Mahbouba Seraj, Executive Director, Afghan Women Skills Development Center
- Ms. Sarah Wahedi, Founder, Ehtesab Afghanistan
Strategic Partnerships, Innovation, and Solutions
Panel and speakers
- Ms. Julieta Valls Noyes, Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration, Government of the United States of America
- Ms. Uzra Zeya, Under Secretary of State for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights, Government of the United States of America
- Ms. Scarlet Cronin, Vice President for Americas & Global Strategy, Tent Foundation
- Ms. Miriam Feldblum, Executive Director, President's Alliance for Higher Education and Migration
- Ms. Jumoke Jagun-Dokunmu, Head of Fragility/Africa, International Finance Corporation
- Mr. Danny Cutherell, Africa Director, Refugee Investment Network
- Mr. Emma Yaaka, U.S. Refugee Advisory Board
- Ms. Rania Ahmed, Director of Peace & Development Coordination, International Organization for Migration
- Mr. Larry Sacks, Chief Development Officer, Development Finance Corporation
Gender Equality and Protection from Gender-Based Violence (GBV)
Panel and speakers
- Ms. Gianina Marquez Olivera, Co-Founder, Quinta Ola, Peru
- Ms. Shaza Alrihawi, Refugee Delegate & Member, Action Network of Forced Displacement and Co-Founder, Global Refugee Network
- Ms. Deike Potzel, Director General for Crisis Prevention, Stabilisation, Peace Building and Humanitarian Assistance, Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Government of Germany
- Mr. Alexei Buzu, Minister of Labour and Social Protection, Government of Moldova
- Ms. Kelly T. Clements, Deputy High Commissioner, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- H.E. Ms. Catherine Colonna, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, France
- Mr. Andrew Giles, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, Government of Australia
- Ms. Faridah Luanda, Gender and Diversity Coordinator for Global Refugee Youth Network
- Ms. Sabrina Agresti-Roubache, Secrétaire d'État auprès du Ministre de l'Intérieur et des Outre-mer, Chargée de la Citoyenneté et de la ville
- Mr. Simon Manley, Permanent Representative, Mission to the WTO, UN and other international organizations in Geneva, Government of the United Kingdom
- Ms. Mary Tal, Founder, Whole World Women Association
- Ms. Luz Vidal Huiriqueo, Undersecretary of Women and General Equity, Government of Chile
- Ms. Beth Delaney, Humanitarian Coordinator and Head of Humanitarian Division, Department of Foreign Affairs, Australia
- Ms. Marguerite Barankitse, Founder of Maison Shalom
Supporting Refugees in Middle-Income Countries: Spotlight on the Global Concessional Financing Facility
Panel and speakers
- Dr. Tanaka Akihiko, President, Japan International Cooperation Agency
- Mr. Franck Bousquet, Deputy Director, International Monetary Fund Representative, Government of Jordan
- Mr. Alexei Buzu, Minister of Labour and Social Protection, Government of Moldova
- Ms. Pascalle Grotenhuis, Director-General for International Cooperation
Ms. Soukeyna Kane, Director for the Fragility, Conflict and Violence Group, The World Bank
- Mr. Raouf Mazou, Assistant High Commissioner-Operations United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Ms. Elizabeth Taylor Jay, Vice Minister of Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Colombia
- H.E. Zeina Toukan, Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, Government of Jordan
Thursday 14 December
Pledging for and with Children: An inter-generational dialogue
Panel and speakers
- Naya, Child Refugee Expert
- Sedra, Child Refugee Expert
- Ms. Inger Ashing, Chief Executive Officer, Save the Children International
- Mr. Christian Baobab, Youth on the Move, United Nations Children’s Fund
- Ms. Phantipha Iamsudha Ekarohit, Deputy Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Government of Thailand
- Dr. Najat Maalla M'jid, UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children
- Mr. Salah Majid, Executive Director, Harikar
- Dr. Heracles Moskoff, General Secretary for Vulnerable Persons and Institutional Protection, Ministry of Migration and Asylum, Government of Greece
- Mr. Andreas Motzfeldt Kravik, State Secretary, Government of Norway
- Ms. Christine Schraner Burgener, State Secretary for Migration, Government of Switzerland
- Ms. Elizabeth Taylor Jay, Vice Minister of Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Colombia
- Ms. Gillian Triggs, Assistant High Commissioner-Protection, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Ms. Ayşegül Yıldırım Kara, Director General for Child Services, Ministry of Family and Social Services, Government of Türkiye
Connectivity for Refugees
Panel and speakers
- Alex Wong, Senior Advisor, Strategic Engagement and Initiatives, International Telecommunications Union
- Mr. Mohamed Almaouloud Ag Mohamedoun, Connectivity Centre Manager
- Mr. Peter Batali, Executive Director, Community Technology Empowerment Network
- Ms. Karen Basiye, Director for Sustainable Business and Social Impact, Safaricom
- H.E. Marc Bichler, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Luxembourg to the United Nations Office in Geneva
- Ms. Kelly T. Clements, Deputy High Commissioner, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Mr. John Giusti, President of the Mobile for Development Foundation, Global System for Mobile Communications Association
- Ms. Maha Mamo, Author and Human Rights Activist
Mr. Tomas Lamanauskas, Deputy Secretary-General, International Telecommunications Union
- Mr. Yann Pitrou, Director, Special Projects, Eutelsat Group
- Ms. Cecilia Robles, Director-General for the United Nations, International Organizations and Human Rights, Government of Spain
- Ms. Daniela Weber, Deputy Director, Centre for the Digital Nonprofit, Nethope
The Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus in Contexts of Forced Displacement
Panel and speakers
- Dr. Tanaka Akihiko, President, Japan International Cooperation Agency
- Hon. Davinia Esther Anyakun, State Minister for Relief, Disaster Preparedness and Refugees, Government of Uganda
- Mr. Franck Bousquet, Deputy Director, International Monetary Fund
- Ms. Kelly T. Clements, Deputy High Commissioner, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Ms. Patricia Danzi, Director General, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Government of Switzerland
- Mr. Gustavo Adolfo Gallón Giraldo, Permanent Representative of Colombia to the United Nations Office at Geneva
- Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu, Executive Secretary, Intergovernmental Authority on Development
- Ms. Caroline Gennez, Minister of Development Cooperation and of Major Cities, Government of Belgium
- Ms. Faridah Luanda, Gender and Diversity Coordinator for Global Refugee Youth Network
- Ms. Mami Mizutori, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction and Head of UNDRR, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
MIYAVI, UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador
- Mr. Felipe Munoz, Head, Migration Unit, Inter-American Development Bank
- Mr. Carsten Staur, Chair, Development Assistance Committee, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Mr. Haoliang Xu, Under-Secretary-General and Associate Administrator, United Nations Development Programme
Unlocking Private Sector Solutions for Forced Displacement Contexts
Panel and speakers
- Ms. Femi Oke, Co-Founder, Journalist, and Broadcaster, Moderate the Panel
- Ms. Viviana Araque Mendoza, Executive President, Bancamía S.A.
- Ms. Elena Bourganskaia, Vice President, Corporate Support, International Finance Corporation
- Mr. Peter Chege, Chief Executive Officer, Hydroponics Africa
- Mr. Władysław Grochowski, Co-Founder and President, Arche Group, Lena Grochowski Foundation
- Mr. Per Heggenes, Chief Executive Officer, IKEA Foundation
Mr. Warner-ten Kate, Head of Migration and Development, Government of the Netherlands
- Mr. Mathieu Lamiaux, Managing Director & Senior Partner, Boston Consulting Group
- Mr. Raouf Mazou, Assistant High Commissioner-Operations, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Ms. Lotte Machon, State Secretary for Development Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Denmark
- Ms. Barbara Rambousek, Director for Gender and Economic Inclusion, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Mr. Larry Sacks, Chief Development Officer, U.S. International Development Finance Corporation, Government of the United States
- Ms. Natalia Voloshko, Co-Founder, Children of Ukraine
Ukraine Refugee Situation - Access to Rights
Panel and speakers
- Mr. Marc Angel, Vice President, European Parliament
- Ms. Irina Basiul, Programme Coordinator, National Congress of Ukrainians In Moldova
- Mr. Adrian Efros, Minister of Internal Affairs, Government of Moldova
- Mr. Konrad Fijołek, Major of Rzeszów, Government of Poland
- Ms. Isabelle Giordano, Head, BNP Paribas Foundation
- H.E. Ms. Ylva Johansson, Commissioner for Home Affairs, European Union
- Ms. Alina Kokhanko-Parandii, President, Ukrainian Voices Refugee Committee
- Mr. Raouf Mazou, Assistant High Commissioner-Operations, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Ms. Olha Menko, Chef Executive Officer, Foundation-Institut Poland-Ukraine
Ms. Elma Saiz Delgado, Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations, Government of Spain
- Ms. Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, President, France Terre d’Asile
- Mr. Thomas Zahn, Head of Group Task Force, Refugee Aid Ukraine, Volkswagen Group
Unlocking Potential: Spotlight on Refugee Labour Mobility
Panel and speakers
- Mr. Huy Truong, Executive Chairman, Thrive Refugee Enterprise
- Mr. Derar Alkhateeb, Co-Founder, Pathway Club
- Mr. Anthony Catlow, Director, National Health Service Professionals
- Mr. Sasha Chanoff, Chief Executive Officer, RefugePoint
- Ms. Steph Cousins, Global Chief Executive Officer, Talent Beyond Boundaries
- Mr. David Crawford, Managing Partner, Fragomen
Mr. Andrew Kiley, First Assistant Secretary, Refugee, Humanitarian and Settlement Division, Department of Home Affairs, Government of Australia
- Ms. Agnes Mude Lomoro, Advisor, Global Task Force on Refugee Labour Mobility
- Mr. Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Government of Canada
- Ms. Amy Pope, Director General, International Organization for Migration
- Mr. Ammar Sammour, Senior Coding Trainer, Re: Coded
- Mr. Goodson Sinyenga, Director, Home Affairs Research and Information Department, Ministry of Home Affairs and Internal Security, Government of Zambia
- Mr. Doug Stephens, Chief Human Resources Officer, MacLeod Group
- Ms. Gillian Triggs, Assistant High Commissioner-Protection, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Synergies in action: advancing the complementary implementation of the Global Compact on Refugees and the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, including through a route-based approach to mixed movements
Panel and speakers
- Jane McAdam, Scientia Professor of Law and Director of the Andrew & Renata Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law at UNSW
- Mr. Filippo Grandi, High Commissioner, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Ms. Amy Pope, Director General, International Organization for Migration and Coordinator of the UN Network on Migration
- Mr. Julien Boucher, General Director, OFPRA (Office français de protection des réfugiés et apatrides), Government of France
- Mr. Jagan Chapagain, Secretary General, IFRC International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
- Mr. Alejandro Solano, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Government of Costa Rica
- Ms. Vittoria Zanuso, Executive Director, Mayors Migration Council
- Mr. Omar Zniber, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Morocco to the United Nations Office at Geneva, Government of Morocco
Towards durable solutions for refugees: the transformative power of food and agriculture
Panel and speakers
- Mr. David Nabarro, Strategic Director, 4SD Foundation
- H.E. Saeed Al Eter, Assistant Secretary General of Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives Foundation (MBRGI)
- Mr. Dominique Burgeon, Director, Liaison Office in Geneva, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- Ms. Nikita Chandaria, Chief Executive Officer, INSTA
- Ms. Kelly T. Clements, Deputy High Commissioner, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Ms. Rhoda Daniels, Facilitator, Fields School Facilitator (Video Messsage)
- Ms. Valerie Guarnieri, Assistant Executive Director, United Nations World Food Programme
- Mr. Per Heggenes, Chief Executive Officer, IKEA Foundation
- Hon. Dr Rwamirama Bright Kanyontore, Minister of State for Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries in charge of Animal Industry, the Republic of Uganda.
- Mr. Andreas Motzfeldt Kravik, Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Norway
- H.E. Dr. Jean Pierre Baptiste, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office in Geneva, Government of Chad
Refugee Higher Education and Self-reliance: Achieving 15% Enrolment by 2030
Panel and speakers
- Mr. Duncan Ross, Chief Data Officer, Times Higher Education
- Mr. Jonathon Becker, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Open Society University Network
- Mr. Philipp Effertz, Head of Section Scholarship Programmes Middle East, North Africa & Hilde Domin Programme, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
- Mr. Murat Kazancı, Vice President of the Presidency of Turks Abroad and Related Communities, Government of Türkiye
- Ms. Bernice Kulakula, Global Student Representative, Tertiary Refugee Student Network
- Mr. Sajjad Malik, Director, Division of Resilience and Solutions, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Ms. Airi Nakazawa, Chief of JISR Unit, Japan International Cooperation Agency
- Ms. Isabelle Rosabrunetto, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, Government of Monaco
- Prof. Tadesse Wondemagegn, Professor of Law & Researcher on Human Rights, including Rights of Refugees and Forcibly Displaced, School of Law, University of Addis Ababa
Burden and Responsibility Sharing in the Middle East and North Africa
Panel and speakers
- Mr. Raouf Mazou, Assistant High Commissioner for Operations, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
H.E. Mr. Ayman Safadi, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, Government of Jordan
H.E. Mr. Abdallah Bou Habib, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Emigrants,
Government of Lebanon -
Mr. Niels Annen, Parliamentary Secretary of State; Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Government of Germany
Mr. Jean-Christophe Carret, Country Director, Middle East Department, World Bank
Access to Protection: Asylum Systems, Legal Assistance, and Human Rights
Panel and speakers
- Ms. Awmaima Amrayaf, Pro Bono Legal Officer, DLA Piper
- Ms. Gillian Triggs, Assistant High Commissioner-Protection, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Mr. Ibrahim Abou Senna, Director, Refugee Legal Aid Program, St. Andrew's Refugee Services, Egypt
- Mr. Julien Boucher, Director General, Office Français de Protection des Réfugiés et Apatrides (OPFRA), Government of France
Mr. Pedro Francisco Callisaya Aro, Ombudsman for the Republic of Bolivia and Americas Chairperson of the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions
- Mr. Dennis Arvin L. Chan, Chief State Counsel, Department of Justice-Refugees and Stateless Persons Protection Unit, Government of the Philippines
- Ms. Soyoung Park, Assistant Deputy Minister, Asylum and Refugee Resettlement Sector, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), Government of Canada
- Hon. Justice Dustan Mlambo, President of the Africa Chapter, International Association of Refugee and Migration Judges (IARMJ Africa Chapter)
- Mr. Danijel Malbasa, Refugee Advisor to the Australian Delegation to the GRF
- Ms. Julia Mayerhofer, Co-Executive Director, PILnet
- Mr. David Manne, Executive Director, Refugee Legal
- Ms. Lynette Lam, Executive Director, Justice Centre Hong Kong
- Ms. Lara Nassif, Pro Bono Counsel, Herbert Smith Freehills
- Ms. Amina Bouayach, Secretary of the Bureau, Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions and President, National Human Rights Council of Morocco
- Ms. Priya Gopalan, Chair-Rapporteur of the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention and Member of the Platform of Independent Experts on Refugee Rights
- Ms. Siobhán Mullally, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons
Meaningful Refugee Participation: How Partnerships with Forcibly Displaced and Stateless People Improve Policies and Solutions
Panel and speakers
- Ms. Lourena Gboeah, Chair of the Board, Refugee Congress
- Mr. Xavier Devictor, Co-Director for the World Development Report & Manager in the Fragility, Conflict, and Violence Group, World Bank
Mr. Amer Alkayed, Chairperson, Global Refugee-led Network
Mr. Hani Alrustm, Program Director, Resourcing Refugee Leadership Initiative
Mr. Jorge Santiago Ávila Corrales, Executive Director, Jovenes Contra La Violencia
Ms. Sheila de Carvalho, President of the National Committee for Refugees in Brazil (CONARE), Government of Brazil
Mx. Renee Dixson, Co-Founder, Forcibly Displaced People Network
Ms. Rez Gardi, Co-Managing Director, Refugees Seeking Equal Access at the Table (R-SEAT)
Ms. Daniela María Pérez Obando, Latin America Lead, Refugees Seeking Equal Access at the Table (R-SEAT)
Ms. Fati N'Zi-Hassane, Oxfam in Africa Director, Oxfam International
Mr. Robert Ochan Leomoi, Research and Administration Manager, Dadaab Response Association
Mr. Tolga Öncü, Retail Operations Manager (COO), Ingka Group (IKEA Retail)
Ms. Gillian Triggs, Assistant High Commissioner-Protection, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Ms. Fiona Whiteridge, General Manager, Refugee and Migrant Services, Government of New Zealand
Innovative Finance for Climate Action
Panel and speakers
- Ms. Dominique Hyde, Director, Division of External Relations, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Hon. Beatrice Anywar Atim, Minister for Water and Environment, Government of Uganda
- Ms. Kelly T. Clements, Deputy High Commissioner, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Ms. Nyakuma Peter Gatkuoth Riak, Founder & Director, Together South Sudan
- Mr. Jose Maria Gil-Robles, Partner (Spain), DLA Piper
- Ms. Lotte Machon, State Secretary for Development Policy, Government of Denmark
- Mr. Andreas Motzfeldt Kravik, Deputy Foreign Minister, Government of Norway
- Hon. Hildebrand Niyomwungeri, Mayor, Nyamagabe District, Rwanda
- Mr. Kim Nøhr Skibsted, Executive Director, Grundfos Foundation
Rohingya refugees: Enhanced Resilience, Expanded Solutions
Panel and speakers
- H.E. Masud Bin Momem, Foreign Secretary, Government of Bangladesh
- Ms. Kelly T. Clements, Deputy High Commissioner, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Ms. Beth Delaney, First Assistant Secretary, Humanitarian Policy Division, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Government of Australia
Ms. Judith Herbertson, Deputy Director for the Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office and Head of Girls’ Education Department, Government of the United Kingdom
- Mr. Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Government of Canada
- Mr. Mohammad Sufiur Rahman, Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva, Government of Bangladesh
- Ms. Hafsar Tameesuddin, Co-Secretary General, Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network
- Ms. Julieta Valles Noyes, Assistant Secretary for Population, Refugees, and Migration, Government of the United States of America
- And a video message by Ms. Anne-Marie Trevelyan, Minister of State for Indo-Pacific, Government of the United Kingdom (via video message)
Together through the journey: Refugees, host communities, and the local government working together in refugee response planning, coordination, and implementation
Panel and speakers
- Mr. Peter Gift, Leader, Rhino Camp Settlement, Uganda, Refugee Engagement Forum
- Mr. Carlos Kuylen Morales, Mayor of the City of San Benito, City of San Benito, Peten District
- Mr. Abdul Mutalib Mahmoud, Yumbe District Chairperson, District Engagement Forum
- Ms. Mavis Nkomeshya, Permanent Secretary for the Department of Resettlement, Office of the Vice President, Government of Zambia
- Mr. Eng. Hilary Onek, Minister for Relief, Disaster Preparedness and Refugees, Government of Uganda
- Ms. Victoria Rusoke, Minister of State for Local Government, Government of Uganda
- Hon. Stephano Wieu Milek, Chief Administrator for Ruweng Administrative Area, Government of South Sudan
Building Resilience Through Inclusion in National Social Protection
Panel and speakers
- Ms. Najeeba Wazefadost, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Asia Pacific Network of Refugees
- Ms. Niels Annen, Parliamentary Secretary of the Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Government of Germany
- Mr. Sajjad Malik, Director, Division of Resilience and Solutions, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Mr. Jerome Oberreit, Executive Director, BRAC (Poverty Alleviation Coalition)
- Mr. Hamoud Ould Mhamed, Minister, General Delegate of Taazour, Government of Mauritania
- Ms. Iffath Sharif, Global Director for Social Protection and Jobs, World Bank
- Ms. Elizabeth Taylor Jay, Vice Minister of Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Colombia
Friday 15 December
Scaling up Climate Action in Displacement Settings
Panel and speakers
- Mr. Raouf Mazou, Assistant High Commissioner for Operations, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Mr. Jagan Chapagain, Chief Executive Officer and Secretary General, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
- Ms. Joelle Hangi, Inclusivity Lead at the Global Platform for Action, United Nations Institute for Training and Research
- H.E. Ambassador Gamal Hassan, Head of the IGAD Centre of Excellence for Climate Adaptation and Environmental Protection (CAEP), IGAD
- Ms. Safia Mohamed, Commissioner, National Commission for Refugees and IDPs, Government of Somalia
- Ms. Lotte Machon, State Secretary for Development Policy, Government of Denmark
- Mr. Efa Muleta, State Minister of Agriculture, Government of Ethiopia
Ms. Susan Luak, Steering Committee Member, Africa Refugee Led Network
- H.E. Janez Lenarčič, European Commissioner for Crisis Management, European Union
Solidarity in Cities: Learning from Mayors on Refugee Inclusion in Urban Areas
Panel and speakers
Ms. Emilia Saiz, Secretary General, United Cities and Local Governments
Ms. Vittoria Zanuso, Executive Director, Mayors Migration Council
- Mr. Farhad Ataee, Incubator Manager, SINGA
- Mr. Yousef Al Shawarbeh, Mayor, City of Amman, Jordan
- Ms. Patricia Barandun, Chief of Section, Migration and Forced Development, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
- Ms. Alcina Cerdeira, Councillor for Social Services, Inclusion and Equality, City of Fundão, Government of Portugal
Ms. Adriana Minerva Espinoza Nolasco, Vice Minister for Migration issues, State of Baja California, Mexico
- Mr. Edward Infante López, Mayor, City of Carmen de la Legua, Peru
- Mr. Sami Kanaan, Executive Councillor, City of Geneva, Switzerland
- Mr. Filippo Mannino, Mayor, City of Lampedusa, Italy
- Ms. Corine Mauch, Mayor, City of Zurich, Switzerland
- Mr. Ron Nirenberg, Mayor, City of San Antonio, Texas, United States of America
- Mr. Hildebrand Niyomwungeri, Mayor, City of Nyamagabe, Rwanda
- Mr. Vitomir Miles Raguz, Head of European relations, Council of Europe Development Bank
- Mr. Marvin Rees, Mayor, City of Bristol, United Kingdom
- Ms. Sanya Wilson, Mayor, City of Koboko, Uganda
The Promise of Secure Housing, Land, and Property Rights – From Response Planning to Durable Solutions Programming: Myth, Legend, Opportunity?
Panel and speakers
- Mr. Mamadou Dian Balde, Director, Regional Bureau for the Eastern Horn of Africa and Great Lakes, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Mr. Erfan Ali, Chief of Staff, UN-Habitat
- Ms. Marit Glad, Global Programme Director, Norwegian Refugee Council
- Dr. Joan Kagwanja, Chief of the Agribusiness Enabling Environment Section and Coordinator for the African Land Policy Center, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
- Mr. Chris Lukkien, Chief Executive Officer, ZOA Netherlands
- Mr. Jakub Mazur, Deputy Mayor of the City of Wroclaw, Poland
- Ms. Elizabeth Moreno Barco, Coordinator for FISCH, Nansen Regional Award Winner for the Americas 2023, Chocó Solidarity Inter-ethnic Forum (FISCH)
- Hon. Martin Niteretse, Minister of Interior, Government of the Republic of Burundi
- Ms. Natalie Roque, Minister of the Secretariat of Human Rights, Government of Honduras
- Mr. Houliang Xu, Under-Secretary-General and Associate Administrator, United Nations Development Programme
A Regional Approach to finding solutions for Displaced Populations and their Host Communities in the IGAD Region
Panel and speakers
- Ambassador Mohamed Abdi Affey, Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu, Executive Secretary, Intergovernmental Authority on Development
Mr. Said Nouh Hassan, Minister of Interior, Government of Djibouti
Mr. Eng. Hilary Onek, Minister for Relief, Disaster Preparedness and Refugees, Government of Uganda
Ms. Gillian Triggs, Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Madame Fathia Alwan, Director of Health and Social Development Division, Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)
Ms. Adhieu Achuil Dhieu, Executive Director, MonyQadow
Ms. Erica Gerretsen, Director for Human Development, Migration, Governance & Peace, Directorate-General for International Partnerships
Panel and speakers
- Mr. Danijel Malbasa, Refugee Advisor to the Government of Australia
- Ms. Yamamah Agha, General Manager Newcomers, Settlement and Integration, Settlement Services International
- Ms. Shaza Al Rihawi, Co-Founder, Global Refugee-led Network
- Mr. Sasha Chanoff, Chief Executive Officer, RefugePoint
- Ms. Nina Gregori, Executive Director, European Union Agency for Asylum
- Mr. Eyad Jaabary, Refugee Advisor on Resettlement and Complementary Pathway
- Ms. Teddi Jallow, Executive Director, Refugee Dream Center
- Mr. Marc Miller, Minister for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Government of Canada
- Ms. Claire Putzeys, Director for Refugees at the U.S. National Security Council, Government of the United States of America
- Ms. Paula Santacruz, Refugee Advisor for the New Zealand Government
- Ms. Gillian Triggs, Assistant High Commissioner-Protection, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Mr. Kjetil Vevle, State Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion, Government of Norway
- Ms. Najeeba Wazefadost, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Asia Pacific Network of Refugees
- Mr. Senol Uzun, Head of Resettlement and Voluntary Repatriation Department
Context of Forced Displacement Related to The Central African Republic Crisis: CAR Solutions
Panel and speakers
- Ms. Virginie Baïkoua, Minister of Humanitarian Action and National Reconciliation, Government of Central African Republic
- Mr. Mohamed Ag Ayoya, Deputy Special Representative to the Secretary General; Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator, United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic
H.E. Mr. Jean Pierre Baptist, Permanent Representative of Chad to the United Nations Office at Geneva, Government of Chad
Mr. Hassan Hamid Hassan, Permanent Representative of Sudan to the United Nations Office in Geneva, Government of Sudan
Hon. Angelina Jany Teny, Minister of Interior, Government of South Sudan
- Mr. Raouf Mazou, Assistant High Commissioner-Operations United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- H.E. Mr. Lejeune Mbella Mbella, Minister of External Relations, Government of Cameroon
- Ms. Irène Marie Cécile Mboukou Kimbatsa, Minister of Social Affairs, Solidarity and Humanitarian Action of the Republic of Congo
- H.E Jean-Claude Molipe Mandongo, Vice Minister of Interior, Security and Customary Affairs of DRC
- H.E. Mr. Félix Moloua, Prime Minister, Government of Central African Republic
- Mr. Stephan Maurer, Geneva Representative, Danish Refugee Council (DRC)
- Mr. Gédéon Tanguy Just Panté, Refugee Expert from the Central African Republic
- Mr. Mamady Souare, Keynote speaker for Core Group Resident Representative COCF, African Development Bank
Data & Forced Displacement: Fostering refugee inclusion through national statistics
Panel and speakers
- Mr. Xavier Devictor, Co-Director for the World Development Report & Manager in the Fragility, Conflict, and Violence Group, World Bank
- Mr. Dante Carhuavilc, Head of the National Institute for Statistics and Information, Government of Peru
Ms. Erica Gerretsen, Director for Human Development, Migration, Governance and Peace, Directorate-General for International Partnerships, European Union
- Mr. Felipe Muños Gomez, Chief, Migration Unit, Inter-American Development Bank
- Ms. Anila Noor, CEO, New Women Connectors
- Mr. Ole Thonke, Under Secretary of Development Policy, Government of Denmark
- Dr. Baradine Zakaria Moursal, Director General for the National Institute for Statistics, Economic and Demographic Studies, Government of Chad
Sustainable Integrated Human Settlements: Towards Refugees Inclusion and Self-Reliance and Community Resilience
Panel and speakers
- Mr. Sami Kanaan, President, Global Cities Hub
- Mr. Yousef Al Shawarbeh, Mayor of the City of Amman, Jordan
- Mr. Mamadou Dian Balde, Director, Regional Bureau for the Eastern Horn of Africa and Great Lakes, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Mr. Julius Bitok, Principal Secretary, State Department of Immigration and Citizen Services, Government of Kenya
- Dr. Habtamu Itefa Geleta, Minister and Water and Energy, Government of Ethiopia
- Mr. Filippo Grandi, High Commissioner, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Dr. Stephen Jackson, UN Resident Coordinator, Kenya
- Ms. Lotte Machon, State Secretary for Development Policy, Government of Denmark
- Mr. Sajjad Malik, Director, Division of Resilience and Solutions, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Mr. Maimunah Mohd Sharif, Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director, UN-Habitat
- Dr. James Mwangi, Group Managing Director, CEO Equity Group Holdings and Executive Chairman, Equity Group Foundation
- Ms. Suheyla Saad Vefai, Refugee Expert
- Mr. Kim Nøhr Skibsted, Executive Director (CEO), Grundfos Foundation
- Mr. Oumar Sylla, Director Regional Office for Africa UN-Habitat
From pledges to results: Realizing a world free from statelessness through collaborative action
Panel and speakers
- Mr. Azizbek Ashurov, Coordinator, Central Asian Network on Statelessness
- Mr. Ted Chaiban, Deputy Executive Director, Humanitarian Action and Supply Operations, United Nations Children’s Fund
- Mr. Dennis Arvin L. Chan, Chief State Counsel, Department of Justice, Government of Philippines
- Ms. Kareen Jabre, Director, Division of Programmes, Inter-Parliamentary Union
- Mr. Paul Koreki, Conseiller technique chez le Cabinet du garde des Sceaux, Ministre de la Justice, Government of Côte d'Ivoire
- Ms. Maha Mamo, Human Rights Activist, France
- Ms. Gillian Triggs, Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, UNHCR
Advancing Localization in Displacement and Statelessness Responses
Panel and speakers
- Hon. Victoria Businge Rusoke, State Minister for Local Government, Ministry of Local Government, Government of Uganda
- Ms. Kelly T. Clements, Deputy High Commissioner, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Mr. Isaac Fokuo, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Amahoro Coalition
- Dr. Nur Incetahtacı, Board Member, SENED
- Mr. Alper Küçük, Director General for International Affairs and Migration Services, Turkish Red Crescent
- Mr. KAM Morshed, Senior Director, Advocacy, Innovation and MEAL, BRAC Bangladesh
- Mr. Jamie Munn, Executive Director, International Council of Voluntary Agencies
- Ms. Fati N'Zi-Hassane, Oxfam in Africa Director, Oxfam International
- Ms. Nathalie Olijslager, Director, Department for Stabilisation and Humanitarian Aid, Government of the Netherlands (Kingdom of)
- Ms. Cecile Pango, Founder and Director, Women for Action
- Ms. Susana Raffalli, Senior Humanitarian Advisor, Caritas Venezuela
- Ms. Taban Shorech, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, The Lotus Flower
Digital Protection: Hate Speech and Dis/Misinformation
Panel and speakers
- Mr. Abdullahi Mire, UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award’s 2023 Global Laureate
- Mr. Santiago de la Moro, Managing Director, Google Global Partnerships, Google
- Ms. Alice Nderitu, Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, United Nations Office on Genocide Prevention
- Mr. Ally Ntumba, Refugee Delegate to the Global Refugee Forum
- Ms. Joelle Rizk, Senior Advisor on Digital Risks, ICRC Protection Department, International Committee of the Red Cross
- Ms. Gillian Triggs, Assistant High Commissioner-Protection, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Mr. Kjetil Velvi, State Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion, Government of Norway
- Ms. Zahra Walet Mohamed, Refugee Delegate to the Global Refugee Forum
The GCR in Action in the Sudan Emergency – Early Development Responses to a Regional Refugee Crisis
Panel and speakers
- Mr. Raouf Mazou, Assistant High Commissioner for Operations, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Ambassador Hassan Hamid Hassan Hamid, Permanent Representative of Sudan to the United Nations Office in Geneva
- H.E Minister Albino Akol Atak, Minister for Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management of South Sudan
- Ambassador Dr. Jean Pierre Baptiste, Permanent Representative of Chad to the United Nations Office in Geneva
- Ambassador Dr. Ahmed Ihab Gamaleldin, Permanent Representative of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the United Nations Office in Geneva
- Dr. Yero Baldeh, Director of the Transition States Coordination Office (RDTS), African Development Bank
- Ms. Erica Gerretsen, Director, Human Development, Migration, Governance and Peace, European Union International Partnerships
- Mr. Abdi Abdullahi, Manager – Resilience and Fragility Division, Islamic Development Bank
The Role of Islamic Philanthropy Institutions in the Humanitarian Response to Displacement Crises
Panel and speakers
Dr. Hana Omar, Acting Director of Partnerships and International relations, KS Relief
Ms. Şafak Pavey, Senior Adviser, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Dr. Majed Al Azmi, Director General, Zakat House of Kuwait
- Mr. Jamal Al Nouri, Chairman, Sheikh Abdullah Al Nouri Charity Society
- Dr. Abdulkareem Al Olama, Chief Executive Officer, Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives
- Mr. Abdel Wahab Al Shehri, Assistant Secretary General, Muslim World League
Mr. Badr Al Sumait, General Manager, The International Islamic Charity Organization
Dr. Saleh I. Babear, Assistant Secretary General, World Assembly of Muslim Youth
Ms. Kelly T. Clements, Deputy High Commissioner, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Dr. Ayedh Dabsan Al Qahtani, Chief Executive Officer, Thani Bin Abdullah Foundation for Humanity
Mr. Khaled Khalifa, Senior Advisor and Regional Representative to the GCC, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Mr. Muhd Muhammad Faizal Othman, Chief Executive Officer, Rahmatan Lil Alamin Foundation