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Preparatory meetings and roundtables

The first High-Level Officials Meeting (HLOM) took place on 14 and 15 December 2021, with an advance day (13 December) set aside for side events. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and travel restrictions, the meeting took place in an entirely virtual format.

In addition to the High-Level Officials Meeting, UNHCR convened regional, thematic and stakeholder-specific stocktaking events to identify both progress and the areas where more efforts are needed, particularly in light of the socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In advance of the High-Level Officials Meeting, UNHCR held a series of five virtual preparatory roundtables to help inform the discussions. Speakers and participants were asked to reflect on what has been achieved and what remains to be done. Find more information as well as the recordings on the Preparatory Roundtables webpage.

Virtual informal briefing on the programme and modalities for the High-Level Officials Meeting

Virtual briefing on the Global Compact on Refugees and the High-Level Officials Meeting (NYC)

Virtual informal briefing on the preliminary outcomes of the stocktaking on the Global Compact on Refugees

08 July 2021

Regional Bureau Recordings

The Americas, Ms. Maria Bances del Rey, Senior Protection Coordinator

Asia and the Pacific, Ms. Karen Gulick, Senior Policy Advisor

East and Horn of Africa and the Great Lakes, Ms. Anna Gaunt, Senior Livelihoods and Economic Inclusion Officer

Europe, Ms. Anne-Birgitte Krum-Hansen, Senior Protection Coordinator

Middle East and North Africa, Ms. Shaden Khallaf, Senior Policy Adviser

Southern Africa, Ms. Angele Dikongue-Atangana, Deputy Director

West and Central Africa, Ms. Aissatou Masseck Dieng-Ndiaye, Deputy Director

Virtual informal consultation on the proposed programme for the 2021 High-Level Officials Meeting

Virtual consultation on the 2021 High-Level Officials Meeting and proposed orientations for the GCR indicator report:

Briefings and meetings prior to 2021