Announcement. “SUITCASE 2023” annual journalism award
This year, materials published during the period of 28 November 2022 to 4 December 2023 can be submitted for the contest. Eligible materials include: Printed / online articles in the press / blogs / news websites. Online journalistic videos Online radio stories,...
UNHCR reports progress on tackling statelessness
In 2023, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Moldova introduced legislative safeguards to help prevent statelessness at birth. Portugal approved a legal framework regulating statelessness status, including the establishment of a statelessness determination...
UNHCR Regional Director for Europe concludes visit to Armenia
This week, UNHCR’s Regional Director for Europe, Philippe Leclerc, concluded a four-day visit to Armenia, following the arrival of more than 100,000 refugees, half of them children and older people. He witnessed first-hand the humanitarian situation on the ground and...
UNHCR and partners appeal for US$97 million to respond to urgent needs of refugees and their hosts
The Armenia Emergency Refugee Response Plan (RRP), launched today, brings together 60 partners, including 43 national NGOs, and covers relief efforts for a six-month period, until the end of March 2024. The joint plan aims to support some 196,000 people including...
World Refugee Day 2023: UEFA and the football community offer hope away from home
On 20 June each year, World Refugee Day celebrates the strength and courage of people around the globe who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution. UEFA supports refugee access to sport, harnessing the transformative power of...
UNHCR calls for concerted action as forced displacement hits new record in 2022
The full-scale war in Ukraine, alongside conflict elsewhere and climate-driven upheaval meant more people than ever remained uprooted from their homes last year, heightening the urgency for immediate, collective action to alleviate the causes and impact of...
UNHCR and Sanremo Institute train specialists to reduce statelessness
The International Institute of Humanitarian Law (Sanremo Institute) is one of UNHCR’s longstanding international partners providing courses on human rights, including refugee law and statelessness, to UNHCR’s partners worldwide. UNHCR has recently supported the...
Armenian children benefit from assistance provided by the people of Japan
These photos show playgrounds located in Sisian and Goris communities in Syunik province, which were constructed by UNHCR’s partner – Mission Armenia NGO – with a generous donation provided by the people of Japan. Spring has come to Syunik, and lots...
UNHCR and partners promote #IBELONG campaign to end statelessness
In her opening remarks, the newly appointed Representative in Armenia, Ms. Kavita Belani, greeted the participants wishing all a productive discussion and acknowledged their joint efforts aimed at prevention and reduction of statelessness in Armenia. She particularly...