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2024 UNHCR Global Consultations with NGOs

The 2024 UNHCR Global Consultations with Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) will take place in-person from 11 to 13 June at the Centre International de Conférence de Genève (CICG), Geneva, Switzerland. They will focus on:

  • solutions
  • inclusion in national systems
  • gender equality.

There will be representation from:

  • local, national, and international NGOs and civil society organizations (CSOs)
  • organizations led by displaced and stateless persons
  • members of the senior leadership team of UNHCR.

Agenda and concept note

The event will feature a dozen sessions and side events organized by UNHCR and NGOs. We will bring together stakeholders from different backgrounds to discuss the themes and develop recommendations to be presented to the UNHCR Executive Committee.

For more details regarding the objectives, session division, and organization please consult the concept note.

Session documents

These documents are password-protected, for participants only.

The 2024 UNHCR NGO Award

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Since 20181, UNHCR has been celebrating innovative approaches in the way NGOs, and particularly grassroots organizations, support displaced communities. The UNHCR NGO Award (the Award) recognizes their efforts and accomplishments in protection and delivery of services to refugees, returnees, asylum seekers, internally displaced persons (IDPs), stateless persons and host communities in need.

Over the years, the Award provided local NGOs, refugee-led, and women-led organizations with a grant (US$ 15,000) coupled with visibility and exposure to donors, international partners, media, etc, as well as the opportunity to exchange, learn, and connect with each other.


The winners of the 2024 NGO Award

To reduce inequalities, facilitate greater inclusion, and expand partnerships, the 2024 UNHCR NGO Award will be dedicated to local organizations supporting forcibly displaced and stateless persons with disabilities2 and organizations that are led by them.

One person out of six lives with disability (approximately 16 per cent of the world population)3. Our estimates indicate that around 17.2 million people with disabilities are currently displaced due to persecution, violence, and human rights violations. They are disproportionately affected by forced displacement, with higher likelihood to be left behind or abandoned. Difficulties in moving, hearing, seeing, communicating or learning, coupled with the physical, and environmental barriers that marginalize and discriminate against them may hinder access of persons with disabilities to protection, assistance, and solutions, as well as their capacity to fully and effectively participate in society, on an equal basis with others. Persons with disabilities are not a homogeneous group. They face multiple and compounding forms of discrimination including based on disability and other intersecting diversity factors (age, gender, ethnicity, location or race) that may lead to situations of exclusion.

It is important to recognize the diversity of persons with disabilities and that women, men, youth, older persons and persons with different types of disabilities are affected differently. Women, children and older persons face an even higher risk of discrimination, violence and exploitation.

  1. Find more information about the past awards: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022.
  2. More information on how UNHCR works in support of persons with disabilities.

Asociación de Sordos de Honduras – Honduras

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  • Category: Organization led by persons with disabilities
  • Representative: Ms. Estefani Claros Madrid

Asociación de Sordos de Honduras (ASH) [Association of the Deaf, in English] is an organization that advocates for the rights of persons with disabilities in Honduras, and for their equal access to education and livelihood opportunities. Noticing a lack of inclusive information sharing methods in Honduras, particularly among those with visual and hearing impairments, ASH noted that awareness of issues related to forced displacement, as well as on the role and mandate of UNHCR was often limited.


Takatof Shababe Association – Syria

  • Category: Local NGO supporting displaced persons with disabilities
  • Representative: Ms. Wafaa Al Askar Al Hifel

Takatof Shababe Association endeavors to establish a sustainable workplace for individuals with disabilities by establishing a restaurant primarily managed and staffed by them. This initiative aims to facilitate social and economic inclusion through rehabilitation, vocational training, and employment opportunities. By providing holistic support including psychological assistance, skills development, and business education, the project aims to improve the well-being of individuals with disabilities while addressing societal stereotypes.

Rationale for selection of Takatof Shababe Association

Amongst all the NGOs offering services for refugees with disabilities, Takatof Shababe stood out for their holistic approach to include forcibly displaced persons with disabilities by establishing a restaurant managed and run by them. While other organizations often concentrate on a medical model of disability, primarily providing rehabilitation and assistive devices, Takatof Shababe ensures inclusion, by supporting refugees and returnees with disabilities with livelihood opportunities and ensuring a sustainable and accessible work environment.   


Umoja Persons with disabilities Group – Malawi

  • Category: Refugee-led organization supporting displaced persons with disabilities
  • Representative: Mr. Edward Kaboyi

Umoja Persons with Disabilities Group (UPD) is a driving force in Dzaleka Refugee Camp, identifying and supporting refugees with disabilities through advocacy for better inclusion, capacity sharing and community-building initiatives. They partner with the Malawian government to promote disability rights through seminars and workshops, engaging stakeholders at all levels. UPD's training center provides English classes and essential job skills, empowering refugees with disabilities. Additionally, UPD ensures these individuals receive necessary medical and food assistance, enhancing their overall well-being.

Rationale for selection of UPD

Among the few organizations led by refugees with disabilities that applied to the 2024 NGO Award, UPD stands out for being a local grassroot organization in a first host country with an advocacy and operational footprint. Other organizations with a similar focus were scarce in comparison to traditional organizations of persons with disabilities and NGOs. The other organizations that primarily focused on advocacy, were in their early stages looking for funding to register the organizations or were based in more resource-rich environments like Europe. 


Contact us

For any inquiries regarding the 2024 NGO Award, please contact the UNHCR Partnership Section at [email protected].