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Lubbers proposes new approaches on asylum-migration issues in EU

Lubbers proposes new approaches on asylum-migration issues in EU

UN refugee agency chief Ruud Lubbers says the European Union must develop a unified approach along with new global strategies if it is to effectively address politically-charged issues of asylum and migration.
28 March 2003
Newly-arrived asylum seekers at Orly airport in Paris.

VERIA, Greece, March 28 (UNHCR) - UN refugee agency chief Ruud Lubbers today offered new approaches to address the politically-charged issues of asylum and migration in the European Union, urging its member states to develop a unified internal approach along with new global strategies.

Addressing an informal meeting of EU Justice and Home Affairs Council in Veria, Greece, Lubbers said member states must work with each other as well as with developing countries that host the bulk of the world's refugees.

"I would say that Europe has no choice but to work on both fronts if it is to effectively address both the phenomenon of irregular movements of asylum seekers to Europe and the phenomenon of economic migrants clogging up its asylum systems," he said.

The High Commissioner proposed a three-pronged approach. The first would focus on new approaches in regions of origin to boost prospects for refugee solutions there, and to address so-called secondary movements of refugees and asylum seekers toward Europe.

The aim, said Lubbers, is to strengthen the capacities of first countries of asylum to protect and assist refugees so they would not feel compelled to move onwards toward Europe, as well as to help find lasting solutions. This would involve registration of refugees, as well as self-reliance activities paving the way for repatriation, integration in the region or resettlement abroad.

Lubbers said his 2002 "Convention Plus" initiative, which calls for new special agreements to complement the 1951 Convention on refugees, could be used to develop comprehensive plans for regional solutions, including the return of specific caseloads. Such agreements could include the targeting of additional development assistance to countries hosting large refugee populations for protracted periods.

"To support these countries, I have proposed a concept which I call 'Development Assistance for Refugees' (DAR). It is about development assistance both for host communities and for refugees," he said. This would bring together the "4Rs" initiative - an integrated approach to repatriation, reintegration, rehabilitation and reconstruction - and the "DLI" initiative, or Development Through Local Integration.

"By the same token, resettlement - on a much bigger scale than today - must be part and parcel of any comprehensive approach," he added.

A second prong would involve new joint initiatives within Europe itself. These could include the pooling of EU processing and reception resources to speed up decision-making on the asylum claims of nationals of countries that do not normally produce refugees. Lubbers said UNHCR was ready to consider more such "safe" situations, in cases where there is a clear indication that flows are overwhelmingly composed of persons without valid claims for international protection.

"For caseloads composed primarily of economic migrants, we foresee a model involving closed reception centres, the processing of claims by EU teams ... and simplified appeals with UNHCR participation," Lubbers told the EU representatives. "Such an approach could have a dynamic impact on your [asylum] harmonisation process. Is it not time to move ahead with this?"

After joint processing, those found in need of protection should be granted asylum in one of the EU countries, taking into consideration their needs, skills, family connections and other links, such as language. For those not found in need of protection, collective EU action should be taken to ensure they are returned promptly to their countries of origin.

Since national asylum systems would continue to process claims from refugee-producing countries, a European advisory board that would include UNHCR could also be established to help eliminate the "current divergences in national [asylum] practices," he said.

The third prong, Lubbers said, would focus on the effective functioning of Europe's individual national asylum systems. If the EU and regional prongs were successful, he said, national asylum systems would be able to concentrate more on the functions for which they were created - the provision of international protection to those in need.