National Activity Plan 2005: Greece
National Activity Plan 2005: Greece
20 June 2005
UNHCR staff register refugees at the Douma registration center on the outskirts of Damascus. Registering with UNHCR ensures that the most vulnerable refugees receive aid.
© UNHCR/M.Bernard
- WRD workshop at Zappeion in cooperation with the General Secretariat for Equality (GSE) and NGOs, combining media briefing and training of the GSE border peripheral committees on refugee/asylum-seeker women.
- Broadcast of Global View 2005 and of WRD TV and radio spots with voice-over by celebrities George Dalaras and Pemy Zouni.
- TV/radio programmes.
- WRD posters at all Athens metro stations.
- Distribution of WRD material to NGOs, Youth Awareness Committee, Ministries' Press Offices, etc.