National Activity Plan 2005: Venezuela
National Activity Plan 2005: Venezuela
20 June 2005
"Refugees" crossing the border in a simulation of refugee situations at the scout camp on Vässarö Island. © UNHCR/G.Jusnes
© © UNHCR/G.Jusnes
- June: Broadcast of WRD TV spots and a campaign by Colombian rock star Juanes.
- 20 June, Maracaibo: Launch of the Communications Border Media Network (CBMN) and web page.
- 24-26 June, Guasdualito: Workshops for media on refugee issues.
- 20 June, Caracas and Maracaibo: Launch of premiere of a radio soap opera on refugees and the solidarity of receiving communities on the radio network along the Venezuelan border. In partnership with radio Fe y Alegría.
- 20 June, Caracas: Refugee workshop with the Ombudsman Office in Venezuela.
- June 20, Guasdualito and Machiques: Cultural activities in 10 schools from receiving communities at the Venezuelan-Colombian border, with theatre and story-telling performances, arts and crafts and activities related to refugee issues.