National Activity Plan 2006: Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger and Togo
National Activity Plan 2006: Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger and Togo
20 June 2006
UNHCR staff register refugees at the Douma registration center on the outskirts of Damascus. Registering with UNHCR ensures that the most vulnerable refugees receive aid.
© UNHCR/M.Bernard
- To sensitize the population about refugee problems, UNHCR, in association with CARITAS and Amnesty International, will organize cultural and sport activities, a movie projection, a photo exhibition and handicraft sales by refugees. (Benin).
- To inform the host population, UNHCR, also in association with CARITAS and Amnesty International, will publish a book, made by refugees; religious leaders will hold a service and will talk about refugees, students from Benin will meet refugee students to exchange their experiences. (Benin).
- To lead to a more comprehensive view of refugees, a "street-interview" and a special show on "Canal ONU" will be broadcast, in collaboration with TNB (Télévision Nationale du Burkina Faso) and CINU (Centre d'information des Nations Unies). Also, a conference will be organized on 19 June. (Burkina Faso).
- An official ceremony, in collaboration with TNB, will take place in the Foreign Ministry, 20 June. (Burkina Faso).
- To inform the host, a film, followed by a debate, will be played in association with the Red Cross. A refugee guide will also be distributed population. (Niger).
- A running competition will be organized between refugees and employees from CNE-CADEV and the Red Cross. (Niger).
- To make people more aware about refugees, TV and radio shows will be broadcast about refugee activities and UNHCR missions. (Togo).
- With the "Comité National Olympique Togolais", cultural and sports activities will be organized to make host communities and refugees meet and get to know each other. (Togo).
- Among the Muslim and Christian communities, prayers will also be organized by priests, pastors and imams. (Togo).