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Report of the International Refugee Organization Resolution of 29 August 1951

Executive Committee Meetings

Report of the International Refugee Organization Resolution of 29 August 1951
E/RES/411 (XIII)

29 August 1951

The Economic and Social Council,1

Having received from the International Refugee Organization its annual report for 19502 in accordance with article 5 of the Agreement between the United Nations and the International Refugee Organization,

Having noted the outstanding accomplishments of the International Refugee Organization in repatriating and resettling refugees in accordance with its Statute,

Recognizing the great contribution made by the International Refugee Organization to the alleviation of human suffering,

Resolves to commend the International Refugee Organization upon the substantial completion of its task and to express its appreciation of the manner in which it has carried out its assigned duties

1 See 526th meeting of the Council.

2 See document E/2005.