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Review of the membership of the United Nations Refugee Fund Executive Committee

Executive Committee Meetings

Review of the membership of the United Nations Refugee Fund Executive Committee

24 April 1957

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling its resolution 565 (XIX) of 31 March 195 establishing the United Nations Refugee Fund Executive Committee,

Noting that the Executive Committee has recommended the addition of Canada to the membership of the Committee, that the High Commissioner for Refugees ha welcomed the suggestion and that Canada has expressed its willingness to serve.1


1. To confirm the membership of those States a present serving on the United Nations Refugee Fund Executive Committee;

2. To amend Council resolution 565 (XIX) to increase the membership of the Committee to twenty-one;

3. To add Canada to the membership of the Committee.

965th plenary meeting
24 April 1957

1 See A/AC.79/60, paras. 118 to 120.