UNHCR Protection Training Manual for European Border and Entry Officials
UNHCR Protection Training Manual for European Border and Entry Officials

This training manual is designed to facilitate the training of European Union border and entry officials on the rights of refugees and asylum-seekers in the context of mixed migration movements. It will be used by personnel of European border authorities and Frontex, as well as UNHCR staff and national partners, including non-governmental organizations.
The manual has been developed in connection with UNHCR's 10-Point Plan of Action, which was launched in 2006 to help governments identify and protect refugees within increasingly complex population flows.
The Plan devotes a chapter to the development of protection-sensitive entry systems that are considerate of people's needs and of states' obligations to respect their rights under international human rights and refugee legislation. The main purpose of the manual is to build the capacity of European border and entry officials to establish such systems in border areas.