World Refugee Day 2003 National Activity Plan: Kyrgyzstan
World Refugee Day 2003 National Activity Plan: Kyrgyzstan
1 April 2003
UNHCR staff register refugees at the Douma registration center on the outskirts of Damascus. Registering with UNHCR ensures that the most vulnerable refugees receive aid.
© UNHCR/M.Bernard
A drawing contest will be held for some 100 refugee children of different ethnicities across the country.
On June 20, a multicultural fair will take place in Bishkek. Young refugees will present dances, songs and sketches as part of a contest. There will also be an arts-and-crafts exhibition and ethnic food from refugees' countries of origin. The First Lady of Kyrgyzstan is expected to grace the event.
Various UNHCR films will be broadcast on the national television channel from June 14-22.