World Refugee Day 2007 National Activities: Azerbaijan
World Refugee Day 2007 National Activities: Azerbaijan
20 June 2007
Refugee children playing games during the celebrations.
UNHCR organized "play days" in the Baku and Bilasuvar regions on 20 June within the framework of the campaign. They involved 10 communities and 250 children.
The Azerbaijan State Philharmonic gave a concert on 20 June. An exhibition of paintings by internally displaced and refugee children was exhibited at the same time.
Japanese optometrist and 2006 Nansen Refugee Award Akio Kanai arrived in the country on the eve of WRD to provide eye tests and spectacles to approximately 4,000 internally displaced people. Dr. Kanai and his team from Fuji Optical were guests of honour at a WRD event on 20 June.