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World Refugee Day 2007 National Activities: Bangladesh

World Refugee Day 2007 National Activities: Bangladesh

20 June 2007

Who can bite the bread first? Children's game at Kala camp.

This year's WRD theme in Bangladesh was "Living in Safety and Dignity". Celebrations took place at the Kutupalong and Nayapara refugee camps in Cox's Bazar. UN agencies, diplomats and government officials attended. Local stars performed a rock concert. Ayub Bacchu composed a song called "Dream," which was played at the concert and aired on national TV and radio with accompanying video for several days.

UNHCR Bangladesh organized a friendly football match with mixed teams of refugee children and local children. Nike footballs linked to the campaign and World Refugee Day T-shirts were donated to participating host community schools.

A seminar on the "Challenges relating to Refugee Protection" was organized by the Legal Education and Training Institute, the Bangladesh Bar Council and UNHCR.

In Dhaka, a WRD event was organized by UNHCR with the cooperation of BLAST (Bangladesh Legal Aid Services Trust). Urban refugees shared their stories of suffering. Refugees also performed traditional dances and songs.