Written contributions
Written contributions
To facilitate the broadest possible participation in the process leading to the Global Compact on Refugees, UNHCR received written submissions from United Nations Member States and all other stakeholders for posting on this page.
In total, more than five hundred written contributions were received throughout the process of thematic discussions, the stocktaking and formal consultation.
Written contributions received
The views expressed in the below contributions remain those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of UNHCR or the United Nations.
All written contributions
University of Windsor (Canada) Faculty of Law Students
World Evangelical Alliance
International organization contributions
The organizing team of the 2017 International Conference on Social Protection in Contexts of Fragility and Forced Displacement
GAVI - The Vaccine
World Health Organization
NGO contributions
Contributions by individuals
University of Windsor (Canada) Faculty of Law Students
Dr. Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh
Contributions by topic
- Access to protection and non-refoulement
- Asylum
- Burden and responsibility sharing
- Children and youth
- Climate change and disaster displacement
- Cross-cutting issues
- CRRF/New York Declaration
- Disability
- Education
- Engaging and empowering refugees
- Global compact on refugees (general)
- Health
- High Commissioner's Dialogue on Protection Challenges
- Humanitarian-development nexus
- Measures to be taken at the onset of a large movement of refugees
- Measures to be taken in pursuit of solutions
- Meeting needs and supporting communities
- Sexual orientation and gender identity
- Whole-of-society approach
- Women and girls