Listen to Cristina’s song, Tus Huellas, and sing along too.
Listen to Cristina’s song, Tus Huellas, and sing along too.

Tus Huellas Your Footprints
Composer: Cristina Lopez
Un largo camino yo recorrí,
Huyendo del hambre y la miseria,
Tantos recuerdos llenan mi vivir,
Salir así de mi país a otras fronteras.
En mi camino con un ángel me encontré
En sus manos resguardó nuestras historias,
Con una sonrisa dulce como miel,
Fue cambiando toda mi trayectoria.
Porque tú eres capaz con tu amor y vocación,
De transformar el mundo entero, en un lugar mejor,
Para que cada refugiado sienta que en su situación,
Puede salir adelante y cambiar de dirección
Porque tú llevas esperanza, eres héroe sin capa,
Una gota de azahar, que tranquiliza el alma,
Por ti hoy muchas personas volverán a sonreír,
Y aunque te vayas muy lejos, tus huellas quedan aquí.
Desde aquel día en que llegaste tú,
La esperanza brotaba por estas tierras,
Pues con tu determinante actitud,
Se han logrado unificar nuestras banderas.
Hoy por hoy te doy las gracias otra vez,
Te deseo las más grandes bendiciones,
Y recuerda siempre canta y no llores,
Porque cantando, se alegran los corazones.
I have travelled a long road,
Fleeing hunger and misery.
So many memories fill my life,
Leaving my country to other borders like this.
On my way with an angel, I met
In her hands she protected our stories,
With a smile sweet as honey,
She changed my entire career.
Because you are capable with your love and vocation,
To transform the entire world into a better place,
So that each refugee feels that in his situation,
He can move forward and change direction
Because you carry hope, you are a hero without a cape,
A drop of orange blossom, which calms the soul,
Because of you today many people will smile again,
And even if you go far away, your footprints remain here.
Since that day you arrived,
Hope sprang up in these lands,
With your determined attitude,
Our flags have been unified.
Today I thank you again,
I wish you the greatest blessings,
And remember always sing and don’t cry,
Because singing makes hearts happy.
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Get the bigger picture
Across the world, you are helping refugees flee the harms of war, economic insecurity, disaster and the climate crisis, to find a new hope.
“We left everything in Venezuela”
Economic instability and a lack of opportunity in Venezuela have led to millions of people leaving their country in search of a stable, more secure future. Young mothers and children, the elderly and disabled people are among those leaving, facing many barriers as they do so.