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R-Connect_Refugee Films

R-Connect_Refugee Films

Public event

Join the Refugee Film Festival

Refugee Film Festival is a charity initiative, aiming to raise public awareness towards global refugee issues through films and mobilize people to support forcibly displaced people. Every year, refugee films cover diversified topics, from refugees’ perilous fleeing journeys, to their lives in camps and after resettlement.

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, provides online screenings so that participants can watch our selected refugee films at home. Meanwhile, we also offer physical screenings for schools upon request. If teachers or students are interested in supporting refugees and displaced people after watching the films, you are welcome making donation to support our work at UNHCR. All donations will be used to support our projects in protecting refugees and forcibly displaced people  across the globe.


  • Online Mode: Schools can watch our selected films on our online streaming platform 

·       Face-to-face Mode: UNHCR can travel to your campus and play the films in your preferred settings

 You are welcome to reach out to us to find out more about different film screening options throughout the year.

For more information about our last Refugee Film Festival, please visit:

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