Lesson plans for ages 12-14 in Human Rights and Refugees: Rights, Responsibilities and Refugees
Lesson plans for ages 12-14 in Human Rights and Refugees: Rights, Responsibilities and Refugees

LESSON 3: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Either have ready a class set of the Student Resource Sheet: Universal Declaration of Human Rights (abbreviated), or have it prepared on an overhead transparency.
Have available copies of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in its full form.
Link to previous lesson
Ask around the class what rules the students invented for managing the global community?
Build up a blackboard summary of the most frequently mentioned rules.
As each student offers a rule, ask for the reasons behind the suggestion.
The students are asked in the light of the discussion from the previous lessons and of their homework to give their interpretation of the meaning of the words "rights" and "responsibilities".
Lead the children to see that while every person in the world has basic rights, these rights need to be guaranteed through the maintenance of a framework of rules. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is such a framework of rules.
Individual copies of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (abbreviated) can be handed out, or display it on an overhead transparency. If possible, copies of the Declaration in its full form should be made available to the students.
Convey the following information to the students:
Ask the students to explain the most important articles of the Declaration to the rest of the class (articles 1-5, 13-14, 17-21, 25-26). Some are reasonably straightforward; others will require some interpretation by the teacher. Be sure to ask the students to give concrete examples from everyday life, or from history or current events, of the rights which are more difficult to grasp.