World Refugee Day 2002: Greece
World Refugee Day 2002: Greece

UNHCR organised a fund-raising event consisting of an art exhibition and auctions at the exhibition area and amphitheatre of the National Research Foundation in Athens on 20 June.
Fifty-two prominent artists donated their works (paintings, etchings, sculptures, ceramics and photographs) and they were auctioned by a well-known auctioneer who offered his time pro-bono. Seven sponsors supported the event, and 20 photographs were donated by Associated Press.
On 18 June, UNHCR organised a media workshop titled "Refugee Protection and Immigration Control: The New Challenge." The two discussion panels comprised a Ministry of Foreign Affairs representative, a legal officer from the Greek Council for Refugees, prominent journalists, and UNHCR. Among other topics, the panellists discussed the role of the media in shaping public opinion on refugee-related matters.