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Sweden Boosts Funding for UNHCR Appeals

Sweden Boosts Funding for UNHCR Appeals

UNHCR received a significant donation of SEK 15.2 million from the Government of Sweden. Swedish support to UNHCR assists in improving conditions in major refugee and displacement crises.

Norway donates NOK 31.5 million to refugees and IDPs

Norway donates NOK 31.5 million to refugees and IDPs

UNHCR welcomes the Norwegian Government’s generous donation of NOK 31.5 million (USD 4 million) to UNHCR appeals and activities for internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Ukraine and Myanmar.

UNHCR launches a report about refugee integration in Latvia

UNHCR launches a report about refugee integration in Latvia

The UNHCR Regional Representation for Northern Europe (RRNE) launched its report “Integration of refugees in Latvia: Participation and Empowerment”, at a public event attended by participants from government ministries, public institutions, non-governmental organizations and the refugee community. The launch, held in the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) in Riga on 11 June, was jointly organized by UNHCR, the Ministry of Culture and NGO “Shelter “Safe House”” (Drošā māja).

World Refugee Day 2015 – 20 June

World Refugee Day 2015 – 20 June

Millions of families have fled their homes to escape war or human rights abuses. Millions of mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers – who are also students, musicians, cooks, and so much more. Please get to know these remarkable individuals and introduce them to your friends.

Latvian aid worker helps refugees in Iraq

Latvian aid worker helps refugees in Iraq

Liene Veide, a Latvian national currently working for UNHCR as a Public Information and External Relations Officer in Dohuk, Iraq, joined the United Nations in 2010.