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2016年度難民高等教育プログラムについて/About Refugee Higher Education Program 2016

2016年度難民高等教育プログラムについて/About Refugee Higher Education Program 2016

22 6月 2015
国連難民高等弁務官事務所 (UNHCR)
2016年度 難民高等教育プログラムについて (See below for English text)






■関西学院大学 * 関西学院大学 募集要項および審査手続きの流れ ダウンロードはこちら
■青山学院大学 * 青山学院大学 募集要項および審査手続きの流れ ダウンロードはこちら
■明治大学 * 明治大学 募集要項および審査手続きの流れ ダウンロードはこちら
■津田塾大学 * 津田塾大学 募集要項および審査手続きの流れ ダウンロードはこちら


About Refugee Higher Education Program 2016

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Refugee Higher Education Program (RHEP) 2016
※This year's application period has closed. Application requirements for Refugee Higher Education Program 2017 will be announced around June 2016.

Education is essential in preparing young refugees to rebuild their lives and to enable them to contribute their skills and knowledge to their new environment. The 1951 Refugee Convention and other instruments related to international human rights assert that education is a fundamental human right. Ensuring access to education by refugees is one of UNHCR’s priorities.

UNHCR, Kwansei Gakuin University (KGU), Aoyama Gakuin University (AGU), Meiji University (MU), and Tsuda College (TC) are mutually committed to providing high quality education in specialist fields to facilitate the development of refugees in Japan into people who can contribute to the peace-building and social development of Japan, their countries of origin, and international society in the future.

For the 2016 program, UNHCR will recommend 2 candidates to KGU for admission for university studies conducted in Japanese, as well as 1 candidate to commence studies conducted in English at the School of International Studies. UNHCR will recommend 1 Japanese-language candidate to AGU, 2 candidates who are able to pursue a degree in either the Japanese or English language to MU. UNHCR will recommend 1 female candidate who is able to pursue a degree in Japanese to TC.

Candidates whose documents are received by the application deadline will undertake a written test and an interview. UNHCR will then recommend up to 7 candidates to the most appropriate universities, based on the qualifications and interests of the refugees, as well as the language in which they wish to qualify to enroll.

Application documents will be available from 22 June to 3 August 2015 through the links below, as well as from partner NGOs listed on the RHEP webpage. Prospective candidates are asked to conform to the prescribed procedures. Applications which fail to conform will not be accepted.

* Application procedures and application forms for those who wish to be recommended to Kwansei Gakuin University, please click here

* Application procedures and application forms for those who wish to be recommended to Meiji University, please click here

*At AGU, courses are taught only in Japanese. For application procedures and application forms, please refer to the Japanese page in the above.

*At Tsuda College, courses are taught only in Japanese. For application procedures and application forms, please refer to the Japanese page.