
The Government of Japan’s Emergency Grant Aid for Winterization Assistance in Ukraine
The Government of Japan has decided to extend US $2.57 million in total to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to support its emergency humanitarian assistance in Ukraine.
The number of people from Ukraine who are forcibly displaced, both internally and externally, has been increasing rapidly since the start of the Russian military campaign on 24 February.
Currently, more than 6 million people are estimated to be unable to return to their homes due to the conflict and millions more are estimated to be affected by the conflict. The security situation across Ukraine remains precarious, and particularly Eastern regions under the Russian occupation are under constant attacks.
Civilian infrastructure has been severely damaged; continuous attacks on power plants across the country since mid-October has critically affected the distribution of electricity and supply of clean water. Living in a prolonged displacement situation with security threats and power cuts, people’s mental health and psychological well-being are of primary concerns as well. In some areas in Ukraine, temperatures can plummet as low as -20 degrees Celsius during the winter, thus stable power supply is critical.
UNHCR works closely with Ukrainian authorities to identify needs on the ground and provide emergency assistance. As part of this effort, UNHCR is strengthening its winterization efforts. This includes repairing damaged houses and collective centres, as well as supporting the establishment of communal spaces called ‘heating points’ for vulnerable people without an adequate heating system at home, where they can stay warm and receive essential supplies.
Through the generous support from the Government of Japan, UNHCR will provide generators across Ukraine to support the establishment of ‘heating points’ services and distribute solar lanterns to households in conflict-affected areas in preparation for winter power outages.
UNHCR will continue to work with the Government of Japan and other countries, as well as partner organisations to provide on-the-ground assistance to protect the lives and dignity of people who have been forcibly displaced from their homes in Ukraine.