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16 2月 2024


この日本からの寛大な支援を通じて、UNHCR は7,900以上の家族用テントを調達します。厳しい自然状況のなか劣化した古いテントとの交換、情勢不安の続く地域での予期せぬ強制移動への緊急対応に使用されます。 

UNHCRシリア臨時代理代表 マリア・スタヴロプル

三宅浩史 在シリア臨時代理大使


Government of Japan’s Grant Aid on the Project for Emergency Response for Displaced Persons

The Government of Japan signed an agreement with UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, to contribute JPY 744.55 million (US$5.042 million) to the Project for Emergency Response for Displaced Persons, which provides lifesaving emergency shelter for displaced people in north-east Syria. 

This generous support from the people of Japan will help procure over 7,900 emergency family tents, enabling humanitarian aid providers to replace tents that are in poor condition and respond promptly to any unforeseen displacement in a volatile region. 

“This contribution from the people of Japan comes at a crucial time in Syria, where newly displaced Syrians and people already in the camps lack adequate shelter and are living in dire conditions aggravated by harsh winter conditions. Many people are in survival mode, after more than a decade of displacement. This additional funding will help protect people with and for whom UNHCR works, especially women and children” said UNHCR Syria Representative (a.i.), Maria Stavropoulou. 

“We are very grateful to the Government and the people of Japan for this important and timely contribution” adds Ms. Stavropoulou. 

“Japan has provided and will continue to deliver necessary assistance to people in need, in cooperation with trusted organizations, including UNHCR,” said Mr Hirofumi Miyake, Charge d’Affairs and Special Coordinator for Syria. 

Japan's latest contribution demonstrates its unwavering commitment to alleviating suffering and promoting resilience by, directly addressing the urgent need for shelter in northeast Syria.