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3 2月 2011

UNHCRは今般日本政府より平成22年度補正予算から総額約1億5572万 米ドル(約146億円)の資金協力を受けた。UNHCRのアフガニスタン・パキスタン等支援およびアフリカ支援活動に対し、それぞれ約8732.4万米ドルと6840万米ドルが拠出されたもので、18カ国延べ800万人を越える難民および国内避難民(IDP)が直接・間接的に日本の支援を受けることになる。


アフガニスタン等関連人道支援のうち、2130万米ドル はアフガニスタンにおけるアフガン難民とIDP の帰還・再統合支援に充てられる。イランにおいてはアフガン難民支援向けに600万米ドル、また今回初めてカザフスタン、タジキスタンでの難民保護活動にそれぞれ50万米ドルが活用されることになった。さらにパキスタンにおいては昨年8月の洪水被災者の支援として、IDP支援に約5273.7万米ドル、同じく被災したアフガン難民の支援に約628.6万米ドルが充当される。


今回のアフリカ支援向けの6840万米ドルは、アフリカ13カ国でのUNHCRの事業に対し拠出される。UNHCRとしては、2008年のTICADIV (第4回アフリカ開発会議)のフォローアップ・プロセスにも積極的に関わり続ける中、多くの女性と子供を含む難民問題の解決に取り組んでいる。しかしながら人口増加、都市化、複合的人口移動、気候変動、食・水・エネルギーの不安定性などアフリカが抱える錯綜する問題により紛争がより複雑化・悪化する傾向にあり、難民状況も一層長期化し、非常に深刻な事態が続いている。


アフガニスタン・パキスタン等の支援 8732.4万米ドル
アフガニスタンにおけるアフガン難民とIDPの帰還・再統合支援 2130万米ドル
イランにおけるアフガン難民支援 600万米ドル
カザフスタンにおけるアフガン難民支援 50万米ドル
タジキスタンにおけるアフガン難民支援 50万米ドル
パキスタンにおける洪水被災アフガン難民支援 628.6万米ドル
パキスタンにおける洪水被災IDP支援 5273.7万米ドル
アフリカ支援 6840万米ドル
エチオピア、エリトリア、ジブチ、ウガンダ、ケニア、ソマリア、スーダン、チャド、タンザニア、ブルンジ、中央アフリカ、コンゴ民主共和国、ジンバブエにおける難民、帰還民、IDP、ホスト・コミュニティー等の支援 6840万米ドル

UNHCR駐日事務所 広報室 (担当:守屋)
Email:  [email protected]


UNHCR receives highest ever contribution from the Government of Japan

UNHCR will this year receive approximately USD155.7 million (approximately JPY14.6 billion) in supplementary funding from the Government of Japan. Some USD 87.3 million will be allocated to assist Afghan IDPs, returnees and refugees in the region and the flood affected IDPs and Afghan refugees in Pakistan, while USD 68.4 million will be designated to Africa. Overall, more than 8 million refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in 18 countries will benefit directly and indirectly from Japan’s contribution.

Johan Cels, UNHCR’s Representative in Japan, expressed his deep gratitude to Japan’s show of support and leadership saying:  “UNHCR just turned 60 years old and the year 2011 marks the 30th anniversary of Japan’s accession to the 1951 Refugee Convention. Japan’s exceptional contribution to UNHCR and refugees illustrates its commitment and leadership in seeking to address humanitarian crises and human insecurities toward peacebuilding.”

In relation to Afghanistan, USD 21.3 million will enable projects to aid the return and reintegration of refugees and IDPs, while USD 6 million will directly support Afghan refugees in Iran. Further, for the first time, operations in support of refugees in Kazakhstan and Tajikistan will each receive USD 500,000 in funding, while IDPs and Afghan refugees who have been affected by  the flooding in Pakistan will receive USD 52.7 million and USD 6.2 million respectively.

Japan’s contribution will strengthen the regional approach to assist the Afghan refugees who are not only in Afghanistan but also in the neighbouring countries, while aiding the ongoing support of refugees and Internally Displaced Persons facilitated by the governments of Iran and Pakistan. Over the past 30 years, UNHCR has supported over 1.5 million Afghan refugees in the provinces of Khyber-Pakhtunkhawa and Balochistan in Pakistan.  Following the flooding, UNHCR provided emergency shelter to almost two million people as part of the joint humanitarian effort in addition to providing transitional or permanent shelters to 7,000 families.  Still today, some 166,000 people remain displaced and are living in over 240 camps and spontaneous settlements. The scale of Japan’s funding for the flood affected people is such that it will offer a vital support to the UNHCR operation as a whole.

Japan’s assistance to Africa, which amounts for USD 68.4 million, is provided for UNHCR operations in 13 countries. While UNHCR is actively involved in the follow-up process of TICAD IV of 2008, the Office continues its effort in the African nations to find solutions to those who have been obliged to flee their countries, many whom are women and children.  This continues to be an uphill challenge as population growth, urbanization, mixed migration, climate change, food, water and energy insecurities, all present in Afica, can complicate and exacerbate conflict, often prolonging the situation of forced displacement.

UNHCR received USD 143,490,000 (approximately JPY13.5 billion) from the Government of Japan in  2010, making Japan the world’s second biggest contributor to the UN refugee agency after the United States of America.

Aid to Afghanistan, Pakistan and others USD 87,324,000
Assistance for return and reintegration of Afghan refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) USD 21,300,000
Assistance for Afghan refugees in Iran USD 6,000,000
Assistance for Afghan refugees in Kazakhstan USD 500,000
Assistance for Afghan refugees in Tajikistan  USD 500,000
Assistance for the Afghan refugees affected by the flooding in Pakistan USD 6,286,000
Assistance for IDPs in Pakistan who have been affected by the flooding USD 52,737,000
Aid to Africa USD 68,400,000
Assistance for refugees, returnees, IDPs, and host communities in Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe USD 68,400,000