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29 12月 2015







・マスター素材はDCP, HDCAM, HDD, Blu-rayで受け付けています。なお、主催者の判断で、日本語・英語字幕付きの上映用素材を新たに作成する場合がございます。



東京都港区南青山6-10-11 ウェスレーセンター303
UNHCR駐日事務所/難民映画祭 宛
Tel: 03-3499-2011

[email protected]



The 11th UNHCR Refugee Film Festival (September / October 2016) Call for Entries

The UNHCR Refugee Film Festival is open to all film genres (drama, documentary, animated, short, etc.) on the issues of refugees, IDPs, stateless persons, the context surrounding those population, and/or films made by former/current refugees, IDPs and stateless persons.
The festival aims to advocate and therefore, there is no competition.

The exact dates and venues of the Festival will be announced after March 2016.

No entry fees are due for submitting films. The deadline is 30 April 2016.
Please send a preview screener (the format must be a DVD) together with the submission form to the address stated below.
(The submitted screener DVD will not be returned.)

- All films that use languages other than English need to have English subtitles.
(Please enclose the English dialogue list file on DVD, together with the DVD screener.)

- Please enclose the publicity material (trailer, press kit, posters, stills etc.) together with the DVD screener. Make sure that the Festival has the right to use those material to promote the film and the festival.

- Screening film format: DCP / HDCAM / HDD / Blu-ray.
Please note that the Festival may produce a Japanese / English subtitled version for its own screenings.

- All shipping costs and insurance to and from the festival office are the sender's responsibility. Original film material must be accompanied by return instructions. International carrier account number, or authorization for charges to be paid by addressee, or a stamped, self-addressed envelope must be included.

UNHCR Representation in Japan, Refugee Film Festival
Wesley Center 303, 6-10-11, Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku,
Tokyo 107-0062, JAPAN
Tel: +81.3.3499.2011

For further information
[email protected]