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【プレスリリース】日本政府からの鳥および 新型インフルエンザ対策に対する500万米ドル資金協力を歓迎

【プレスリリース】日本政府からの鳥および 新型インフルエンザ対策に対する500万米ドル資金協力を歓迎

23 2月 2007





UNHCR Welcomes Japan's Support USD 5,000,000 Towards Actions Against Avian and Human Influenza

Tokyo, Thursday 22 February (UNHCR) - UN Refugee Agency is pleased of the decision made by the Japanese Government to support UNHCR for its contribution USD 5,000,000 to the UN Action Plan for Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) preparedness and response in camp settings.

High population densities in refugee camp settings combined with close habitation with livestock could result in higher infection and mortality rates than in other populations in case of an outbreak. UNHCR's strategic focus on preparedness and pandemic mitigation will support the host Government's planning in order to meet the needs of refugees and others displaced.

UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres applauds, "I would like to congratulate Japan for spearheading the international community's efforts to address this important issue."

UNHCR will aim to ensure AHI preparedness and pandemic mitigation in refugee camps with population greater than 5,000 persons. This will target approximately 3 million refugees living in 22 countries.
