
日本政府は、アフリカ東部の「アフリカの角(Horn of Africa)」地域で、紛争や迫害、自然災害の影響を受けている人々への緊急支援として、国連難民高等弁務官事務所(UNHCR)に400万米ドルの緊急無償資金協力を決定しました。
Government of Japan’s Emergency Grant Aid in response to the impact of floods in Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya
The Government of Japan decided to extend Emergency Grant Aid of USD 4 million to people affected by conflict, persecution, and natural disasters in the Horn of Africa.
Prolonged conflicts and chronic instability in the countries of the Horn of Africa have precipitated protracted displacement. Since October 2023, recurring torrential rains and floods have further compounded the difficulties experienced by vulnerable populations, resulting in the displacement of over 2 million individuals across the region.
Through Japan’s cooperation, UNHCR will strengthen its support to safeguard the lives and livelihoods of forcibly displaced individuals and host communities, focusing on Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia.
Ethiopia has been hosting refugees from Somalia since 1991. More recently, especially the conflicts since December 2022, have resulted in new displacements both internally and across international borders.
In Somalia, more than 90,000 refugees have returned from neighbouring countries over the past decade. Additionally, there are 35,000 refugees mostly from Ethiopia and Yemen as well as a substantial number of individuals internally displaced.
Kenya hosts approximately 700,000 refugees from neighbouring countries, and in 2023, around 100,000 new arrivals was recorded, posing challenges to host communities.
Over the next 6 months, UNHCR will respond to the prioritized needs on the ground, including strengthening refugee protection efforts. In response to torrential rains and floods, UNHCR will expand Water, Sanitation and Hygiene services, secure shelters and enhance health services.
Key support areas include:
- Shelter
- Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
- Health
- Protection