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31 3月 2014

東京発 − UNHCRは、日本政府から総額 1億2580万米ドルの資金供与を2014年第一四半期に受けた事に深い感謝の意を表明する。この資金は世界中で行なわれている29の事業で活用される。おもな内訳はアフリカにおける事業に6680万米ドル、中東における事業に4109万米ドル、パキスタンとイランに避難しているアフガン難民及びアフガニスタンにおける帰還民、国内避難民の支援事業に1500万米ドルが充てられる。さらにミャンマーの避難民支援に290万米ドルが充てられる。これらは、UNHCRが2014年に全世界で支援活動を展開するために必要な60億5800万米ドルの一部として活用される。







UNHCRの人道支援活動は、自発的な寄付によって支えられている。日本は米国に次ぐ 第2位の拠出国である。2013年日本は総額2億5293万9102米ドル拠出しており、これは2013年UNHCRが全世界から受け取った寄付総額の8.7%にあたる。


UNHCR Appreciates Japan's Financial Contribution for Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons, Returnees and Stateless Persons under its 2013 Supplementary Budget

Tokyo, 31 March 2014

UNHCR welcomes and wishes to express its gratitude to the Government of Japan for the contribution of USD 125.8 million during the first quarter of the 2014. 29 operations worldwide will benefit from this important and timely contribution, with USD 66.8 million allocated to Africa, USD 41.09 million to the Middle East. USD 15 million will help Afghan refugees in Pakistan and Iran, as well as returnees and internally displaced persons in Afghanistan, and USD 2.9 million will assist the displaced in Myanmar. The Japanese funding will contribute toward UNHCR’s 2014 global requirement of USD 6.058 billion.

USD 13 million of Japan’s contribution will support UNHCR’s effort in empowering women and ensuring their protection, including combating sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). A range of activities will be implemented specifically targeting refugee women, such as shelter, livelihood, psychosocial care, reproductive health, education, legal assistance, household energy and lighting.

In a first reaction, Michael Lindenbauer, UNHCR Representative in Japan, expressed his deep gratitude and appreciation for Japan’s generous support for refugees and displaced persons from the Supplementary Budget. “This could not be more timely, in view of the dramatic increase of emergency situations around the world causing massive displacement. It is a strong show of support by the people and the Government of Japan to reduce human suffering and to contribute to peace and security”

Japan’s contribution will provide much needed support to a range of displacement situations in Africa, where UNHCR and its partners are challenged to respond to simultaneous emergencies while striving to find durable solutions for displaced persons. The support provided by Japan will cover increased needs as a result of the humanitarian catastrophe in the Central African Republic and in South Sudan.

In the Middle East, after three-years of conflict, Syria, which was the second largest refugee hosting country five years ago, has become the world's leading country of forced displacement, with more than 9 million uprooted people, including millions of vulnerable women and children. Thanks to Japan, UNHCR will be able to respond to the immediate humanitarian needs of the displaced within Syria and in the countries neighboring Syria. .

The Afghan situation remains the largest protracted refugee situation in the world despite some 5.8 million refugees returning to Afghanistan since 2002. For over three decades, Iran and Pakistan have hosted Afghan refugees and still today, a total of over 2.4 million registered refugees are being hosted, along with some 2 million undocumented Afghans. UNHCR is grateful for Japan’s continued support to the Solutions Strategy for Afghan refugees, and its commitment to support Afghanistan’s sustainable economic growth.

In Myanmar, Japan’s Grant Aid will provide support for the displaced population in Southeast Myanmar, Rakhine, Kachin and Northern Shan States. Japan’s contribution will enable UNHCR to improve the lives of the displaced population, including through the provision and repair of shelters, civil documentation, security from violence and exploitation, and community empowerment. Through this support, UNHCR will also be able to strengthen efforts related to the eradication of Statelessness within this decade as declared by the High Commissioner in the context of the 60th anniversary this year of the 1954 Convention on Stateless Persons.

UNHCR’s activities around the world depend on voluntary contributions. In 2013, Japan contributed USD 252,939,102 and is the second largest donor to UNHCR, after the United States of America, funding 8.7% of the total contributions to UNHCR in 2013.