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26 May 2016




またこの発表は、トルコ、イスタンブールで23日、24日に開催された「世界人道サミット」にも関連しているといえます。世界人道サミットにおいて、UNHCRは日本政府、解決同盟(Solutions Alliance)、JICA及びUNDPとともに人道支援と開発援助の連携強化へ向けたサイドイベントを実施しました。現在UNHCRは、日本政府の資金によって、人道支援と開発援助の連携を実現するためのモデルプロジェクトを、9つの国で実施しています。日本政府による難民及び国内避難民に対する支援が、今後もさらに継続、強化されることを願っています。


UNHCR Welcomes the Government of Japan’s announcement of “Initiatives toward G7 Ise-Shima Summit”

UNHCR welcomes “Japan’s Initiatives toward the G7 Ise-Shima Summit”. As the conflict in the Middle East rages on, the world is facing unprecedented levels of displacement with more than 60 million people forced to flee their homes.

The Government of Japan’s G7 initiative presents concrete actions as part of “Inclusive Assistance towards Stability in the Middle East”, an assistance package of 6 billion USD over the next three years, including human resource development targeting 20,000 persons in the Middle East and admission of up to 150 Syrian students to Japan. “Japan has already played a lead role in supporting displaced persons as well as host countries in the region since the beginning of the conflict and for many years in other parts of world. Japan’s new initiative offers important schemes to address the root causes of the conflict and to contribute to long-term stability in the region”, said Dirk Hebecker, UNHCR Representative in Japan. “UNHCR is particularly pleased to note Japan’s planned admission of Syrian refugees under a scholarship programme for higher education. The announcement clearly demonstrates Japan’s commitment to international solidarity and responsibility-sharing for refugees and displaced people”, he added.

Japan’s latest move also coincided with the World Humanitarian Summit held in Istanbul earlier this week. At the summit, UNHCR, in cooperation with the Government of Japan, the Solutions Alliance, JICA and UNDP, had organized a side event focusing on the importance of strengthening the humanitarian and development nexus. Currently, UNHCR is implementing a number of model projects funded by the Government of Japan to enable the transition from humanitarian intervention to development in nine countries.

UNHCR hopes that Japan’s strong engagement in the global displacement arena will continue for the benefit of people in need.