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21 2月 2017



さらに「2017年は、現場の人々へ支援を実施するにあたってのアプローチを国際社会が再構築するための重要な年になります。昨年9月に国連総会では難民と移民の保護の強化を求める「ニューヨーク宣言」が採択されました。これを受けて、UNHCRは難民受入国や支援実施パートナーと共に、包括的難民支援枠組み(Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework)を策定し、2018年には難民に関する国際協定(Global Compact)を形成するべく取り組んでいます。このような背景からも、世界の人道問題における議論の牽引役としての日本の役割も、かつてないほど重要となっています」と述べました。






本件に関するお問い合わせ: UNHCR駐日事務所 広報官・守屋 03-3499-2042



UNHCR Appreciates Japan's Financial Contribution for Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons (IDP), Returnees and Stateless Persons under its Supplementary Budget

UNHCR wishes to express its gratitude to the Government of Japan for the contribution of approximately USD 88.2 million under its latest Supplementary Budget allocation. Refugees, IDPs, returnees and stateless persons in 24 countries worldwide will benefit from this important and timely contribution, with USD 39.3 million allocated to Africa, USD 44.9 million to the Middle East. Besides, USD 326 thousand is allocated to Ukraine while USD 3.47 million will help Afghan refugees in Iran as well as Afghan returnees, internally displaced persons and Pakistani refugees in Afghanistan. This year, UNHCR also received USD 202 thousand for increasing capacity of Japanese humanitarian actors in emergency preparedness, safety and security. Japan’s overall funding will contribute toward UNHCR’s 2017 global requirement of USD7.31 billion.

Dirk Hebecker, UNHCR’s Representative in Japan, expressed his appreciation for Japan’s generous support from the Supplementary Budget. “At a time when UNHCR is facing enormous challenges in addressing ever mounting needs of displaced persons due to multiple emergencies, Japan’s contribution plays an extremely timely and critical role in ensuring protection and life-saving assistance for people forced to flee from conflict and persecution.”

He added, “2017 will be an important year for the international community to reformulate its approach to meeting the needs of people on the ground. In line with the New York Declaration adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in September 2016, UNHCR, in collaboration with refugee hosting countries and partners, is to draft a Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework which will serve as a basis for a Global Compact on Refugees to be adopted by 2018. In this context, Japan’s role in leading the discussion on global humanitarian issues has never been as important as ever.” In 2017, UNHCR will continue promoting the humanitarian and development nexus together with the Government of Japan as well as JICA and UNDP. Japan’s contribution will assist UNHCR in showcasing the efforts in several countries such as Jordan, Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon, Ukraine, Uganda, Zambia and Cameroon. Efforts will also be made to initiate this approach in Syria, Kenya, Somalia and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Africa hosts some 19.4 million displaced people, the largest population of concern to UNHCR worldwide. Conflicts in Burundi, Central African Republic and South Sudan continue to displace many. Japan’s contribution will provide much needed support to a range of displacement situations in Africa. Host communities will also be supported along with the promotion of durable solutions.

In the Middle East, the conflict in Syria is now in its seventh year, displacing almost 6.5 million within the country. Syrians are now the biggest refugee population under UNHCR's mandate with 4.9 million in neighboring countries. Furthermore, the conflict in Iraq displaced over 4.4 million people in the country and abroad. Japan’s contribution will enable UNHCR to respond to the massive immediate and longer-term needs to reduce human suffering.

The Afghan situation remains one of the largest protracted refugee situations in the world with more than 2.7 million Afghan refugees mostly in Pakistan and Iran. Japan’s contribution will support the Afghan refugees in Pakistan as well as protection and basic needs of Afghan returnees, IDPs and Pakistani Refugees.

UNHCR’s global activities depend almost entirely on voluntary contributions. In 2016, Japan contributed USD 164,726,114 and was the fifth largest donor to UNHCR.

Media Contacts: Public Information Officer Yuki Moriya, +81 (0)3 3499 2042