東京(28 日)発――ガールスカウト日本連盟とボーイスカウト日本連盟は26日、日本UNHCR協会が呼びかけた「UNHCRアフガン難民プロジェクト」への協力に合意し、共同企画に関する三者間の共同声明を発表した。当プロジェクトでは、6月20日「世界難民の日」をきっかけに、日頃より地域に根ざした活動を展開している2つの青少年団体が、各々の強みを生かしながら連携し、勉強会や募金活動を通して日本UNHCR協会のアフガン難民支援事業に参加する。同じく地域に根ざした奉仕活動団体であるロータリークラブなどにも連携を呼びかけていく。
1. 日本UNHCR協会、ガールスカウト日本連盟、ボーイスカウト日本連盟は、国連総会が定めた「世界難民の日」(6月20日)にちなんだ難民支援事業「UNHCRアフガン難民プロジェクト」を、共同で企画します。
2. ガールスカウト日本連盟は、UNHCRとの共同事業として取り組んで来た「ピースパックプロジェクト」によって蓄積した知識や経験を活用し、「世界難民の日」にちなんだ難民支援事業を、地域での連携を通して実施するように努めます。
3. ボーイスカウト日本連盟は、1995年に第18回世界ジャンボリーにおいて調印された両組織の協力協定「難民に関わる了解覚書」に基づき、「世界難民の日」にちなんだ難民支援事業を、地域での連携を通して実施するように努めます。
4. 日本UNHCR協会は、ガールスカウト会員およびボーイスカウト加盟員が「世界難民の日」にちなんだ難民支援事業を共同で実施するにあたり、UNHCR本部およびUNHCR駐日事務所と連携しつつ、積極的に協力します。
社団法人 ガールスカウト日本連盟 会長 石井 直子 |
財団法人 ボーイスカウト日本連盟 理事長 橋本 綱夫 |
特定非営利活動法人 日本UNHCR協会 代表理事 赤野間 征盛 |
担当:中村 Tel 03-3499-2450 Fax 03-3499-2273
担当:片岡 Tel 03-3460-0701 Fax 03-3460-8383
担当:吉村 Tel 0422-31-5168 Fax 0422-31-5162
Learn and Support Afghan Refugees -- Girl Scouts of Japan and Scout Association of Japan (Boy Scouts) collaborate to support refugee activities to mark the World Refugee Day
28 May 2007
Tokyo, Monday 28 May (UNHCR) - On 26 May, Girl Scouts of Japan, Scout Association of Japan (Boy Scouts), and Japan Association for UNHCR reached an agreement to jointly support “UNHCR Project for Afghan refugees” and issued a joint statement.
On the occasion of the World Refugee Day, the two youth associations will mobilize their support base with the local communities to jointly participate in Japan Association for UNHCR’s campaign for Afghan refugees. They will solicit other civil society groups such as the Rotary Club to participate in the local-based collaboration projects.
Saburo Takizawa, UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) Representative in Tokyo states, “It is rewarding to announce today that the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts agreed to jointly provide support, through Japan Association for UNHCR, to refugees. The Associations’s concerted action is in line with the theme of this year’s World Refugee Day-- Co-existence. I hope this initiative will generate feelings of “empathy”, “sharing” and “leadership” that would help build a society not only to “live together” with refugees but to co-exist. Enhancing local collaboration should increase greater public awareness to the work of the UN Refugee Agency and plight of refugees.
Girl Scouts of Japan has been engaged in the Peace Pack Project since its launch at the 28th World Conference in Denmark in 1993 as a joint project with UNHCR. From 1994 to 2003, more than 160,000 peace packs containing items as stationeries were sent to Afghan refugees in Pakistan. Monitoring mission to Pakistan was held 7 times. It is assumed that the value of the total contributions amounts more than 400 million yen. Since 2005, the Peace Pack Project has been helping Myanmarese refugees in Thailand.
The Scout Association of Japan (Boy Scouts) is celebrating its 100th year of the World Scout Movement. In 1997, Boy Scouts organized a nationwide fundraising campaign. In that year alone, the Association raised about 8.2 million yen to support UNHCR. Back in 1995, at the 18th World Jamboree in the Netherlands, Mrs. Sadako Ogata, then the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, and the Secretary General of the World Scout Movement signed a memorandum of understanding which stipulated collaborations of two organizations.
As a kick-start, on Sunday, 17 June, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and Rotarians in Musashimurayama-city, Tokyo, will jointly organize a fundraising activity. Donations collected by their collaborated effort will be earmarked for “UNHCR project for Afghan refugees” and be donated to the Japan Association for UNHCR. For any collaborative efforts thereafter, the two youth Associations, in consultation with Japan Association for UNHCR, will decide how best to use contributions in support of refugee programmes.
For information on UNHCR Project for Afghan Refugees, please contact:
Ms. Nakamura, Japan Association for UNHCR:
Tel 03-3499-2450, Fax 03-3499-2273
Ms. Kataoka, Girl Scouts of Japan:
Tel 03-3460-0701, Fax 03-3460-8383
Mr. Yoshioka, Scout Association of Japan:
Tel 0422-31-5168, Fax 0422-31-5162