EU-JICA-UNHCR公開セミナー「安心・安全を保証する開発支援の在り方 ― 自然災害に対してレジリエント(強靭)な社会の構築に向けて」にマイケル・リンデンバウアー駐日代表が登壇致します。
【日時】 2013年11月11日(月)15:00〜17:00
【会場】 国連大学 ウ・タント国際会議場
【テーマ】「安心・安全を保証する開発支援の在り方 ― 自然災害に対してレジリエント(強靭)な社会の構築に向けて」
EU-JICA-UNHCR Open Seminar "Development Assistance toward a Safe and Secure Future - Building Resilient Societies against Natural Disasters"
On 11 November, 2013, The EU, UNHCR and JICA will host an open seminar to discuss how the international development society can join forces to main stream Disaster Risk Reduction and build resilient societies. The EU Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response, Mrs. Kristalina Georgieva, who is leading the EU efforts on disaster risk management and humanitarian assistance, and has been engaged in the relief from the Great East Japan Earthquake ever since her visit to Japan in March 2011, and other major partners from UNHCR, Europe, African and Asian countries will share their experiences in the field and how to accelerate the efforts to build resilient societies beyond 2015. Results of the seminar is expected to provide valuable inputs into the discussion on the Post-2015 Development Goals and the Post-HFA.
Speakers and Panelists (TBC): Mrs. Kristalina Georgieva, EU Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response/ Dr. Akihiko Tanaka, President of JICA/ Mr. Takehiro Kagawa, Director-General (Ambassador) for Global Issues, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan/ Mr. Michael Lindenbauer, UNHCR Representative in Japan/ H.E. François Oubida, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Burkina Faso in Japan/ Representatives from European and Asian countries
November 11, 2013(Mon)
15:00-17:00 (registration opens at 14:15)
UN University, U Thant International Conference Hall
The Delegation of the European Union to Japan, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), UNHCR Representation in Japan