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1 1月 2011

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【日 時】  11月17日(木)午後2時〜午後5時30分
【会 場】  国連大学本部 ウ・タント国際会議場
【主 催】  国連難民高等弁務官事務所(UNHCR)
【共 催】 外務省 / 法務省 / 独立行政法人国際協力機構
【協 力】 国連UNHCR協会
【後 援】 マスコミ各社
【言 語】  英語・日本語(同時通訳)
【申込方法】   申込フォーム
【入場無料】   定員370名(定員になり次第、締め切り)
-      開会挨拶(歓迎の辞):ヨハン・セルス UNHCR駐日代表
【第一部(14:00〜15:30) 難民保護と人道支援における日本の役割:成果と課題】
-      山根隆治 外務副大臣
-      平岡秀夫 法務大臣(予定)
-      UNHCR国会議員連盟代表挨拶(予定)
-      講演:緒方貞子 国際協力機構理事長(第8代国連難民高等弁務官)
-      講演:アントニオ・グテーレス国連難民高等弁務官
-      NGO代表挨拶
-      マリップ・セン・ブ難民連携委員会(RCCJ代表)
-      加藤敏幸  外務大臣政務官
-      アントニオ・グテーレス国連難民高等弁務官
-      緒方貞子 国際協力機構理事長(第8代国連難民高等弁務官)
-      柳井正 株式会社ファーストリテイリング会長兼社長
第二部モデレーター: 二村伸 NHK解説主幹
全体司会: 武村貴世子 (ラジオDJ・ MC・ ライター)

“Japan’s 30 Years Engagement on Behalf of Refugees – Achievements and a Path towards the Future”

※The symposium will be on live through Ustream. Click here.
60th anniversary of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and
the 30th anniversary of Japan’s accession to the 1951 Convention
“Japan’s 30 Years Engagement on Behalf of Refugees
– Achievements and a Path towards the Future”
2011 marks 30 years since Japan acceded to the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees following the Indochinese crisis. This milestone coincides with the 60th anniversary of the 1951 Convention.
On the occasion of the visit of the High Commissioner for Refugees, Mr. António Guterres, to Japan from 16 to 18 November, the UNHCR Office in Japan with other partners will organize a symposium to commemorate Japan’s accession to the 1951 Convention and the achievements to date.
The agenda of the symposium is two-fold: Session One will focus on Japan’s commitment to refugee protection and humanitarian assistance and discuss its achievements and future directions.  In Session Two, distinguished panellists will deliberate on one of the major challenges, namely natural disasters and the forced displacements of people.  Following the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, more than half of million people were displaced in Japan. As more and more Asian countries are facing natural disasters resulting in large scale population displacements, Japan’s experience has important lessons.
Date: 17 November 2011, 14:00-17:30
Venue: U-Thant Hall, 3rd floor, United Nations University
Organizer: UNHCR Representation in Japan
Co-Organizers: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
In Cooperation with: Japan Association for UNHCR
Supported by:  Media companies
Technical Support by: STARTLINE.Inc, Functional Approarch Institute Co.,LTD., OBSERAI CO.,LTD
Language: English/ Japanese simultaneous interpretation available.
Registration: Registration Form
■Welcome Remarks: Johan Cels, UNHCR Representative in Japan
Session One (14:10 – 15:30)
Role of Japan in Refugee Protection and Humanitarian Operations – Achievements and Challenges
Remarks by:
■Mr. Ryuji Yamane, Parliamentary Senior Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs
■Mr. Hideo Hiraoka, Minister of Justice (TBC)
■the Parliamentary League for UNHCR (TBC)
■Mrs. Sadako Ogata, President of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
■Mr. António Guterres, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees
■NGO Representative
■Marip Seng Bu, Representative of Refugee Coordination Committee Japan
Session Two (15:45 – 17:20) : Panel Discussion
Natural Disasters and Forced Displacement of People – Role of Japan
■Representative, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
■Mr. António Guterres, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees
■Mrs. Sadako Ogata, President of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
■Mr. Tadashi Yanai, Chairman, President and CEO of Fast Retailing Co., Ltd.
Moderator: Mr. Shin Nimura, NHK Executive Commentator
Followed by Q & A.
■Closing Remarks (17:20 – 17:30)
MC: Ms. Kiyoko Takemura