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【掲載情報】The Japan Timesに副高等弁務官のインタビューが掲載されました

【掲載情報】The Japan Timesに副高等弁務官のインタビューが掲載されました

1 1月 2011

UNHCR副高等弁務官来日時のインタビューが7月6日付のThe Japan Timesに掲載されました。

"UNHCR exec lauds refugee strides, urges more
Japan has room to boost resettlers, show way in Asia"
The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees is grateful for the support Japan has given to the organization's work over the years, and hopes the government's refugee resettlement program proves successful and continues to expand, the agency's deputy high commissioner said in a recent interview. 
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