【日時】 6月20日(月)13:00-16:15
【場所】 国連大学 エリザベスローズホール 【地図】
【申込方法】 なんみんフォーラム のホームページよりお申込ください
【主催】 特定非営利活動法人なんみんフォーラム(FRJ)
【共催】 国連難民高等弁務官事務所(UNHCR)
13:00- 開会
13:20- 基調講演 政府関係者 / ヨハン・セルス (UNHCR駐日代表)
13:50- 東日本大震災への難民によるボランティア活動報告
14:15- パネルディスカッション1
ダニエル・アルカル (UNHCR駐日事務所主席法務官) 《司会》
北村晃彦 (法務省入国管理局難民認定室長)
本間 浩 (法政大学名誉教授・難民研究フォーラム座長)
鈴木雅子 (全国難民弁護団連絡会議)
アントニー・ナンヤムバ (難民調整委員会RCCJ)
15:15- パネルディスカッション2
石井宏明 (難民支援協会JAR事務局長) 《司会》
松浦純也 (外務省総合外交政策局人権人道課長)
高橋敬子 (サポート21理事・事務局長)
宮端啓介 (しんじゅく多文化共生プラザ所長)
難民 (予定)
16:10- 閉会の挨拶 ダニエル・アルカル(UNHCR駐日事務所主席法務官)
World Refugee Day 2011 Symposium : 30 years of Asylum in Japan: Reflections and Perspectives
2011 marks the 60th Anniversary of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (hereinafter, the Convention), as well as the 30th Anniversary of Japan’s accession to the Convention. World Refugee Day 20 June 2011 provides a good opportunity for stakeholders to reflect on these occasions, assess the current state of the asylum system in Japan and discuss the future of asylum in Japan. By co-organizing this symposium, the Forum for Refugees Japan (FRJ) and UNHCR aim to bring together national and local government officials and representatives from the academic, legal and civil societies. It will serve as a podium for forward looking discussions.
Keynote speeches by a Japanese government official and the Representative of UNHCR will consider the developments in Japan and elsewhere. The symposium will demonstrate a new role for refugees in Japan. A short video and a refugee’s personal account will chronicle the recent support that refugees have shown the victims of the March 2011 Tohoku natural disasters. The symposium will also have two discussion panels. The first panel will address the system from the legal angle, especially status determination procedures, detention and other protection related matters. The second panel will host stakeholders that look at the framework of assistance in Japan with a focus on local integration and the ongoing resettlement project. Both panels are expected to offer perspectives as to the future of asylum in Japan. The audience will have an opportunity to weigh in on the discussion through the Q & A session that will follow each panel discussion.
FRJ and UNHCR invite you to attend this symposium and participate in what promises to be an informative, open and interesting dialogue among several stakeholders of the asylum process in Japan.
UNHCR also takes the opportunity to invite you to attend the commemorative ceremony of lighting the world renowned landmark, Tokyo Tower. On 20 June, the Tokyo Tower will light up in blue for 3 hours between 7:00 - 10:00 pm to show solidarity with refugees around the world and the people affected by the crisis in Japan. More details about the ceremony and the lighting of the Tokyo Tower will soon appear on UNHCR’s public website in Japan:
For details on registration, please see below.
Date: 20 June 2011
Time: 13:00-16:15 (Registration opens at 12:30)
Place: Elizabeth Rose Hall, United Nations Universitymap
5–53–70 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8925
Registration: Please access FRJ homepage for online registration.
*Visit FRJ homepage for further information
Organiser: Forum for Refugees Japan (FRJ)
Co-organiser: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
13:00-13:20 Opening
Opening remarks: Kuniko Omori, FRJ, Chair
Video messages: (António Guterres, UNHCR High Commissioner (TBC); Government Official (TBC)
13:20-13:50 Keynote speeches
MP Takahiro Kuroiwa, Ministry of Justice (MOJ), Parliamentary Secretary
Johan Cels, UNHCR, Representative for Japan
13:50-14:05 Presentation and video on refugee volunteer work with victims of the Tohoku natural disasters
Panel Discussions:A Comprehensive and Forward-Looking Examination of the Asylum Process in Japan
Panel 1 14:15-15:10
Theme: Law and Procedures
Sub-topic: RSD procedures and implementation of the amended ICRRA (2004)
Moderator: Daniel Alkhal, UNHCR, Senior Protection Officer
Akihiko Kitamura, Ministry of Justice, Immigration Bureau, Refugee Recognition Section, Director
Hiroshi Homma, Hosei University, Professor Emeritus; Refugee Studies Forum, Chairperson
Masako Suzuki, Japan Lawyers Network for Refugees, Attorney at Law
Anthony Nanyumba, Refugee Coordination Committee Japan, Coordinator
Question and answer session
Panel 2 15:15-16:10
Theme: Assistance and Integration
Sub-topic: Assistance framework for resettled and Convention refugees and humanitarian status holders, collaboration among the stakeholders and society’s role
Moderator: Hiroaki Ishii, JAR, Executive Director
Junya Matsuura, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy Bureau, Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs Division, Director
Kyoko Takahashi, Support 21, Secretary General
Local Government Official (TBC)
Refugee (TBC)
Question and answer session
Closing remarks: Daniel Alkhal, UNHCR, Senior Protection Officer