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1 1月 2011





歴代ナンセン難民賞受賞者には:エレノア・ルーズベルト元大統領夫人(アメリカ)、ジュリウス・ニエレレ大統領(タンザニア)、ピアニストのミゲル・アンヘル・エストレージャ氏(アルゼンチン)、金井昭雄 富士メガネ会長(日本)、エドワード・ケネディ上院議員(アメリカ)など多くの誇るべき人が名を連ねています。2010年の受賞者、アリクサンドラ・ファツィーナ氏はフォト・ジャーナリストとして、命がけで記録した作品を通じ、強制的に家を追われた人の窮状を鮮明に表現することで、難民問題に対する共感を高めることに貢献してきました。多様な経歴を持ちながらも、受賞者たちに共通していることは皆、難民に対する献身的な努力や、傑出した功績を残しています。





添付、もしくはオンライン www.UNHCR.org/nansen のNomination Form(推薦フォーム)に必要事項をご記入の上、ナンセン難民賞事務局までお送りください。


Nansen Committee Secretariat,
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees,
Case Postale 2500, CH-1211 Geneva 2 Dépôt, Switzerland
fax: +41 22 739 7367, email: [email protected]

UNHCR駐日事務所 広報室 (担当:守屋)
Email:  [email protected]                       


Nansen Refugee Award 2011: Call for Nominations


The Nansen Refugee Award secretariat would like to ask for your assistance in identifying truly outstanding nominees for the 2011 Nansen Refugee Award.

The Nansen Refugee Award recognizes extraordinary and dedicated service to refugees and is the most prestigious honour conferred by UNHCR.  The award is named after the late Norwegian polar explorer, Fridtjof Nansen, who was the first League of Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.  

In 2011 UNHCR will celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Fridtjof Nansen who worked tirelessly on behalf of refugees and in 1922 was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his critical work. We continue to honour Nansen’s legacy through the Nansen Refugee Award, which is our chance to publicly recognize those individuals, groups or organizations that share Nansen’s extraordinary dedication and service to the refugee cause.

The Nansen Refugee Award boasts a long list of laureates, including: Ms. Eleanor Roosevelt of the United States of America; President Julius Nyerere of the United Republic of Tanzania; Médecins Sans Frontières; pianist Miguel Angel Estrella of Argentina; Japanese optometrist Akio Kanai; and US Senator Edward M. Kennedy in 2009. The 2010 laureate, Ms. Alixandra Fazzina, received the Award for her extraordinary empathy and contribution to the humanitarian cause through her fearless work as a photo-journalist and chronicler of human suffering. Though from very diverse backgrounds, laureates share a common quality: their outstanding commitment and selfless dedication to refugees.

This year, once again, we seek to identify and reward a deserving individual or organization. The Award consists of a commemorative medal and a monetary prize of US$ 100,000, donated by the Governments of Norway and Switzerland. The prize money goes towards assistance and protection projects for refugees, which are drawn up and selected by the winner in consultation with UNHCR.

Candidates need not be famous people. They should be inspiring, committed individuals, groups or organizations involved in work supporting the cause of refugees, forcibly displaced or stateless people. It is the candidate’s ingenuity, originality and dedication that are crucial factors, rather than the scale of the operation and the number of its beneficiaries.

We need your help to identify individuals, groups or organisations who have gone beyond the call of duty and shown extraordinary dedication and service to the refugee cause.

The Nansen Refugee Award Secretariat

How to nominate
We encourage you to nominate by simply filling in the attached Nomination Form or online at  www.UNHCR.org/nansen.

Self-nominations and nominations of current or former UNHCR staff are not encouraged.

The deadline for submission of nominations for the 2011 Nansen Refugee Award is 28 February 2011. Nominations and requests for information should be addressed to the Nansen Committee Secretariat, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Case Postale 2500, CH-1211 Geneva 2 Dépôt, Switzerland. fax: +41 22 739 7367, email: [email protected] .

The Award consists of a commemorative medal and a monetary prize of US$ 100,000, donated by the Governments of Norway and Switzerland. The prize money goes to assistance and protection projects for refugees which are drawn up and selected by the winner in consultation with UNHCR.