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Click here to view the smposium via WEBCAST.
【日程】 2010年8月25日(水)
【時間】 13:00- 17:30
【場所】 国連大学本部 エリザベス・ローズ会議場 東京都渋谷区神宮前5−53−70
【言語】 日本語・英語(同時通訳付き)
【お問い合わせ】UNHCR駐日事務所法務部 Tel: 03-3499-2011
【主催 】 UNHCR駐日事務所
【後援 】 外務省、法務省
12:30-13:00 受付
13:00-13:30 開会の挨拶
ヨハン・セルス UNHCR駐日代表
西村智奈美 外務大臣政務官
中村哲治 法務大臣政務官
13:30-15:00 第一部 パネルディスカッション『第一庇護国からの出国前』
【ファシリテーター】 山神進 立命館アジア太平洋大学副学長
【パネリスト】 石黒茂 法務省入国管理局難民認定室長
ウィリアム・バリガ IOM駐日代表
茅野俊幸 シャンティ国際ボランティア会専務理事
オリバー・スミス UNHCRタイ事務所第三国定住担当官
質疑応答(40 分)
15:00-15:15 休憩
15:15-17:15 第二部 パネルディスカッション『日本社会への統合』
【ファシリテーター】 ダニエル・アルカル UNHCR駐日事務所首席法務官
【パネリスト】 ナウ・オン・マール カレン情報スペース
大場 雄一 外務省総合外交政策局人権人道課首席事務官
舟橋 徹 文部科学省文化庁国語課課長
月橋 達夫 新宿区地域文化部文化観光国際課多文化共生担当副参事
後藤 忠男 立正佼成会前渉外部長
ハ・ティ・タン・ガ NGOベトナム in KOBE代表
ローランド・ウェル UNHCRタイ事務所第三国定住首席担当官
17:15-17:30 閉会の言葉 ダニエル・アルカル UNHCR駐日事務所首席法務官
(司会進行: 宮澤 哲UNHCR駐日事務所法務官補佐)
Symposium 【Resettlement in Japan: Bringing Refugees to Better Protection and Integration】
*Click here to view the smposium via WEBCAST.
Japan has played a leadership role in the region and around the world in the humanitarian field. It has been offering refugees favorable protection conditions and a lasting solution. When the government of Japan established the resettlement pilot project in December 2008, the first of its kind in Asia, it took another considerable step towards providing refugees residing in Mae La refugee camp in Thailand with a good chance at living in safety and dignity. While resettlement is a tool of refugee protection and durable solution, it involves several intricate and complex phases. In each phase, there is a range of activities conducted by resettlement countries, UNHCR and other stakeholders including international organizations, local governments and civil society groups. Each of the activities may involve tasks and issues that require proper and delicate handling, and often the cooperation of several of the stakeholders.
In general, the phases can be consolidated into two main phases, pre-departure from the country of asylum and post arrival to the country of resettlement. The relevant activities in phase one range from profiling refugees in need of resettlement, matching them with the most appropriate resettlement country, a government led refugee selection process, medical check, reorientation program while in the county of asylum. In the country of resettlement, the relevant activities in phase two range from cultural orientation, language training, housing and material/non material assistance programs for midterm, and education, job referrals and naturalization for long term.
Several ministries of the government of Japan, UNHCR, IOM and other stakeholders have closely collaborated for over 2 years to establish a good start for this pilot project. Within a few weeks, the first group (around 30) will arrive to Japan filled with aspirations for a more secure life. There are also expectations that the refugees contribute to and integrate well in the Japanese society. This symposium will offer a good opportunity for governmental and non-governmental stakeholders, including refugees, to discuss the challenges ahead and build on lessons learnt from similar previous experiences. As the symposium aims to be as comprehensively informative as possible, two panels will focus on the most pertinent issues relating to the pre-departure and post arrival phases.
The resettlement process will undoubtedly have a concomitant positive impact on Japan but like with most traditional and recent “resettlement” countries, it will face a number of challenges. There are many questions that will be addressed in this symposium. Among other factors, how these challenges are addressed and managed will correlate to the success of the process. You are cordially invited to attend and participate in the open debate that this symposium attempts to launch.
Date: 25 August 2010 (Wednesday)
Time: 13:00 to 17:30
Venue: Elizabeth Rose Hall, UNU, 5-53-70, Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0001, Japan
Language: Japanese and English (Simultaneous interpretation provided)
Admission: Kindly RSVP by completing and sending the form.
First come, first served.
For Inquiry: Contact UNHCR Japan at Tel: 03-3499-2011 / [email protected]
Organized by United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Representation in Japan in Collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Justice
Opening remarks (30 minutes)
Mr. Johan Cels, Representative, UNHCR
Ms. Chinami Nishimura, Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs
Mr. Tetsuji Nakamura, Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Justice
First Panel Discussion (Pre-departure from Country of Asylum)
・Post-selection [including pre-departure assistance]
Facilitator Professor Susumu Yamagami, Vice President, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
-Mr. Shigeru Ishiguro, Director of Refugee Recognition Section, Immigration Bureau, Ministry of Justice
-Mr. William Barriga, Head of Office, Special Liaison
-Mr. Shunko Chino, Chief Executive Director, Shanti Volunteer Association (SVA)
-Mr. Oliver Smith, Resettlement Officer, UNHCR
Discussion and Q & A (40 minutes)
15:15-17:15 Second Panel Discussion (Integration in
・Short-term (post-arrival period)
・Mid-term and long-term integration
Facilitator Mr. Daniel Alkhal, Senior Legal Officer, UNHCR
-Ms. Naw Ohn Mar, Karen Information Space
-Mr. Yuichi Oba, Principal Deputy Director, Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs Division,
Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
-Mr. Tooru Funahashi, Director, Japanese Language Division, Agency for Cultural Affairs,
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
-Mr. Tatsuo Tsukihashi, Director of Multicultural, Regional and Cultural Affairs Department,
Shinjuku Ward Office
-Mr. Tadao Goto, Former Director of External Affairs Department, Risshokoseikai
-Ms. Ha Thi Thanh Nga, Chair, NGO
-Mr. Roland Weil, Senior Regional Resettlement Officer, UNHCR
Discussion and Q & A (60 minutes)
Closing remarks Mr. Daniel Alkhal, Senior Legal Officer, UNHCR Japan
(MC:Mr. Satoru Miyazawa, Protection Assistant, UNHCR Japan)