※「2009年グローバル・トレンド」 詳細はこちら
2010年7月1日(木)18時00分〜19時50分 (開場 17時30分)
【会場】明治大学駿河台地区リバティタワー1階リバティホール (千代田区神田駿河台1-1)
18:00 開会の辞 武正外務副大臣
18:05 ビデオ上映:"Providing Hope"
18:15 基調講演: フィリッポ・グランディ国連パレスチナ難民救済事業機関(UNRWA)事務局長
18:40 パネル・ディスカッション:「中東和平とパレスチナ難民の現状-日本の役割」
フィリッポ・グランディ UNRWA事務局長
香川剛廣 外務省中東アフリカ局参事官
立山良司 防衛大学教授
緒方貞子 JICA理事長
出川展恒 NHK解説委員
19:20 質疑応答
19:45 閉会の辞
19:50 終了予定
"The Middle East Peace and the Present Situation of the Palestine Refugees-- the Assistance of UNRWA and the Role of Japan"
Some 43.3 million people were forcibly displaced worldwide at the end of 2009, the highest number of people uprooted by conflict and persecution since the mid-1990s, according to UNHCR's annual 2009 Global Trends report, released 15 June 2010. At the same time, the number of refugees voluntarily returning to their home countries has fallen to its lowest level in twenty years.
The report indicates that overall refugee numbers remained relatively stable at 15.2 million, two thirds of whom come under UNHCR’s mandate while the other third fall under the responsibility of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees(UNRWA). Because of the growing resilience of conflict, more than half of the refugees under UNHCR’s care are in protracted situations.
CLICK HERE for "Global Trends 2009"
This public forum "The Middle East Peace and the Present Situation of the Palestine Refugees - the Assistance of UNRWA and the Role of Japan" with the attendance of Mr. Filippo Grandi, Commissioner General of UNRWA, will focus on the present situation of the Palestine refugees and the contribution of Japan to the peacebuilding in the region.
Details and programme of the symposium is as follows,
【Date】 1 July 2010 18:00-19:50 (Doors Open 17:30)
【Venue】 Liberty Hall, Liberty Tower 1st Floor, Meiji University (1-1 Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku)
【Language】 Japanese/English
【Opening Remarks】 18:00-18:05
Mr. Koichi Takemasa, State Secretary for Foreign Affairs
【Screening of Video】 18:05-18:15 "Providing Hope" (7mins)
【Keynote Speech】 18:15-18:40
"Building Opportunities--UNRWA and Palestine Refugees in Today's Middle East"
Mr. Filippo Grandi, Commissioner-General, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)
【Panel Discussion】 18:40-19:20
"The Middle East Peace and the Present Situation of the Palestine Refugees - the Role of Japan"
-Mr. Filippo Grandi, Commissioner-General, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
-Mr. Takehiro Kagawa, Deputy Director-General, Middle Eastern and African Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
-Mr. Ryoji Tateyama, Professor, National Defense Academy
-Mrs. Sadako Ogata, President, Japan International Cooperation Agency
【Moderator】Mr. Nobuhisa Degawa, Senior Commentator, Japan Broadcasting Corporation
【Q&A Session】19:20-19:45
【Closing Note】19:45-19:50