【プレスリリース】コンゴ危機、UNHCRの“Gimme Shelter”キャンペーンで支援を求める
【プレスリリース】コンゴ危機、UNHCRの“Gimme Shelter”キャンペーンで支援を求める
“Gimme Shelter”と題された短編映画は、共にアカデミー受賞者であるアフレック監督、ジョン・トール氏によって撮影された。撮影は、8月に戦闘が再開されたため数千人が逃れ、未だに争いが続くコンゴ民主共和国の北キブ州で、11月に行われたばかりだ。映画には、ミック・ジャガーとザ・ローリング・ストーンズがこのキャンペーンへ提供した往年の楽曲“Gimme Shelter”が使われる。
“Gimme Shelter”は、逃れてきたコンゴ人家族の、暮らす当てもないまま、選択の余地もないまま、仮設の避難所に身を寄せる話である。隣国ウガンダに逃れた人も3万人に上る。世界であまり知られていない、彼らの苦悩を捉えた。
あまりにも膨大なニーズに直面し、“Gimme Shelter”は、水を汲むためのポリタンク、台所用品、保温性の高い毛布、マット、蚊帳、そしてシェルター建設のためのビニール・シートなどが含まれる緊急人道支援キットを早急に手配するため、2009年に2300万ドルの寄付を募る計画である。
“Gimme Shelter”はオンライン、テレビ、携帯電話、映画、ホテルチェーンを通して世界中に配信される予定で、世界規模で難民支援にあたるUNHCRと、故郷を追われたコンゴ人たちへの寄付を呼び掛ける。クリック一つで、何かができる。
ミック・ジャガーはコンゴでの人々の苦しみはぞっとするようだとし、ベン・アフレックの啓発活動を強くサポートすると発表した。「ザ・ローリング・ストーンズは、コンゴでの紛争の輪郭を浮かび上がらせるベンの努力に、"Gimme Shelter"を貢献させることができてとても嬉しい」とミック・ジャガーは述べた。「この映画が何百、何千人もの避難民の苦境と、また意味も無く死んでいった何千人もの罪の無い人々に、光を当てることができればいいと願っている」
アントニオ・グテーレス国連難民高等弁務官は、ミック・ジャガーとベン・アフレック、また多くの“Gimme Shelter”のサポーターに対し、彼らの努力に深く感謝した。「難民たちは、最も弱い立場にいる人々の中でも特に多くの苦境に直面している。UNHCRは、このキャンペーンに関わる全ての人々の思いやり、関心、そして献身を、心からありがたく思う」と語った。また「彼らの貢献はコンゴだけではなく、世界中の故郷を追われた人々へ、直接大きな影響を及ぼすだろう」と続けた。
“Gimme Shelter”のビデオクリップはUNHCRのウェブサイトwww.unhcr.orgで視聴可能である。
“Gimme Shelter”キャンペーンへのお問い合わせは、以下まで
広報室 守屋
Congo crisis call for help in UNHCR “Gimme Shelter” campaign
With fighting raging on in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and seemingly no end in sight for the 250,000 Congolese people forced from their homes because of the violence, actor-director Ben Affleck and Sir Mick Jagger today released a short film to help raise US $23 million for the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) in 2009 to help pay for clean water and emergency humanitarian assistance kits in the region.
The film“Gimme Shelter”was directed by Affleck and filmed by John Toll, both Academy Award winners. The footage was shot last month in the strife-torn North Kivu region of the DRC, where thousands have fled their homes since fighting resumed in August. The film is set to the Rolling Stones’ song Gimme Shelter, which Jagger and the group donated to the campaign.
“We made this film in order to focus attention on the humanitarian crisis in the DRC at a time when too much of the world is indifferent or looking the other way,” said Affleck. “The suffering and loss we’ve all seen first-hand is staggering ? it is beyond belief.”
”Gimme Shelter” captures the unseen suffering of Congolese families who fled the fighting with next to nothing and are now forced to find refuge in makeshift huts with little to live on. Some 30,000 others have fled to neighboring Uganda and are receiving help from UNHCR.
There are currently 1.3 million displaced people in the DRC, many of them earlier victims caught up in an ongoing cycle of violence. The effects of the conflict have claimed as many as 5.4 million lives in the last 10 years, with an estimated 1,000 people still dying every day. In some areas, two out of three women have been raped. Abductions persist in all brutal forms and children are forcefully recruited to fight. Outbreaks of cholera and other diseases have increased as the humanitarian situation deteriorates.
Faced with an overwhelming need, “Gimme Shelter” hopes to raise US $23 million in 2009 to pay for emergency humanitarian assistance kits that contain jerry cans, kitchen sets, thermal blankets, sleeping mats, mosquito nets and plastic sheeting needed for construction of shelters.
”Gimme Shelter” will be distributed worldwide via online, television, mobile phones, cinemas and hotel chains to raise awareness of UNHCR’s global work for refugees and to encourage donations for displaced Congolese. It’s just a click away.
Jagger described the human suffering in the DRC as appalling and expressed strong support for Affleck’s awareness-raising efforts.
''The Rolling Stones are very happy to contribute "Gimme Shelter" in support of Ben's efforts to raise the profile of the conflict in the Congo,” Jagger said. “I hope this video will help highlight the plight of the hundreds of thousands of displaced people and also the thousands of innocent people who are needlessly losing their lives there."
Affleck, who has made four visits to central Africa since 2007, urged more public awareness of this and other conflicts in which millions of people have been forced from their homes.
“I’m urging people not to look the other way, not to turn off their TV when news of the violence in the DRC comes on. We all need to stand up and support the work of organizations like UNHCR who are on the ground offering protection and working hard to ensure the rights and well-being of refugees,” he said.
UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres thanked Jagger, Affleck and other “Gimme Shelter” supporters for their efforts.
“Refugees are among the most vulnerable of the vulnerable and we at UNHCR are grateful for the compassion, concern and commitment shown by those involved in this campaign,” said Guterres.
“Their contributions will have a direct impact on the lives of uprooted people not only in the DRC, but around the world.”
UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres is in Japan on a two day visit from today. He will be launching the film here in Japan and hopes that the film will attract the attention of Japanese audiences.
UNHCR is also inviting people to visit the www.unhcr.org web site to post a personal message or voice their support online in an effort to raise public awareness about the crisis in DRC.
The “Gimme Shelter” video is also available for viewing on the UNHCR web site at www.unhcr.org.
All media materials are available on the UNHCR FTP site.
Login ID: paugsg
Password: unhcr
Materials available include:
High-resolution photos from Zalmai
Available versions of the film
“Making of” film
Press release
The "Gimme Shelter" campaign is a collaborative effort to raise awareness about the world's refugees and their need for protection, particularly those in the DRC. In pursuing this aim, various partners have provided UNHCR with resources and expertise. Paolo Nuttini has done a recording of "Gimme Shelter" set to a shorter version of the film and available at www.unhcr.org. Sponsors and partners include Sir Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, The Rolling Stones, freud communications, Working Title Films, williamsworks, Kodak, PLY Media, TNT, Virgin Atlantic and ABCKO. We thank them for their contribution.
For further information, please contact:
Yuki Moriya + 81 3 3499 2042
Press Release (English-PDF)