カレン・ファルカス UNHCR駐日代表 着任
カレン・ファルカス UNHCR駐日代表 着任

財務行政学士と国際機関マネジメント科学修士号を取得し、監査法人「PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)」での勤務経験もあります。また、現在は「The Institute of Managers and Leaders (IML)」にも研究員として籍を置いています。英語とフランス語が堪能です。
Karen Farkas assumes her duties as UNHCR’s 13th Representative in Japan
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Representation in Japan is pleased to announce the arrival of its new Representative, Karen Madeleine Farkas.
Farkas is an Australian national who joined UNHCR in 1982 where she has worked for the most part of her 35-year career.
Farkas has held key positions in UNHCR Headquarters in Switzerland, which include: Inspector General (2017-20), Director of the Division of Human Resources (2013-16), Principal Advisor to the Deputy High Commissioner on Enterprise Risk Management (2012) and Controller and Director of the Division of Financial and Administrative Management (2008-11).
Farkas has also served as the High Commissioner’s Representative in Greece, as well as in a variety of field and emergency operations, including in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iraq, North Macedonia and South Africa.
Farkas holds a Master of Science Degree in Management of International Public Service Organisations, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Financial Administration. She is a Fellow with the Institute of Managers and Leaders (IML) and has previously worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers in her capacity as a Certified Practising Accountant. Farkas is fluent in English and French.
Ms. Farkas is taking up her assignment at a time when Japan and the world face a common threat. The COVID-19 pandemic is also an unprecedented challenge to ensure protection, assistance and delivery of essential services to people of concern to UNHCR around the world, including refugees, stateless, IDPs and others. UNHCR remains committed to continuing its operations for the people we serve, with the unfailing support from many governments.
Japan has been and remains an important partner in our global efforts to ensure protection, assistance and essential services for people of concern to UNHCR. As we fight the pandemic together, UNHCR stands in solidarity with the Government, businesses and private individuals of Japan.
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