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日本政府は、UNHCRがウクライナと周辺国のポーランドとモルドバで実施している緊急人道支援に対して、総額1,450万米ドルの緊急無償資金協力の実施を決定しました。 ウクラ…
6 4月 2022












The Government of Japan’s Additional Emergency Humanitarian Assistance in Ukraine and neighboring countries

The Government of Japan has decided to extend a US $14.5 million grant in total to United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to support its emergency humanitarian assistance in Ukraine and neighboring Poland and Moldova. 

Since Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine on 24 February, Ukraine has experienced the fastest-growing refugee crisis post World War II. At the end of March, over 4 million people have fled to neighboring countries while more than 6.5 million are internally displaced within Ukraine. Over 10 million are also reported to be left behind in eastern Ukraine, which is regarded to be the most affected area. 

For the last month and a half, UNHCR has strengthened its emergency humanitarian assistance in Ukraine and its neighboring countries, closely working with local authorities and partners. However, with the rapid increase in the number of people being displaced and the escalation of the security situation, continuous support from the international community is needed on the ground. 

On 11 March, the Government of Japan decided to extend a US$ 25.6 million grant to UNHCR to provide humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and neighboring countries (press release). In addition to the previous grant, this emergency grant aid is to be provided in response to the escalating urgency and will be used to strengthen the emergency humanitarian assistance in Ukraine, which has been affected by Russia's invasion, in Poland, to which the largest number of refugees have fled, and in Moldova, a developing country that has not yet established a well-structured refugee reception infrastructure. 

Within Ukraine, UNHCR will strengthen monitoring in cooperation with the local community, enhance the function of reception centers, and offer protection-related services near the border, to ensure that those who urgently need protection can safely evacuate and avail necessary services. UNHCR will also reinforce psychosocial support and measurement to prevent Gender-Based Violence (GBV), in addition to the provision of emergency core-relief items needed for the refugees’ daily lives and the insurance of safe shelters.  

In Poland and Moldova, UNHCR will strengthen its operational capacity to support local authorities and partners to ensure that refugees who crossed the border will have proper access to international protection and humanitarian assistance. UNHCR will provide not only emergency core-relief items (such as blankets, sleeping bags, plastic sheets, and solar lamps) but also support for the registration and document preparation which are needed to receive humanitarian assistance, as well as legal advice and assistance with safe onward movement.  

The situation in Ukraine is urgent and unpredictable, and international solidarity is essential to address this large-scale refugee crisis. UNHCR will remain on the ground and continue to work closely for those displaced and in need of protection and assistance. 

Main Activities 

Protection, Basic Assistance and Shelter 

Ukraine (some US$ 7.25 million) 

Poland (some US$ 3.652 million) Moldova (some US$ 3.652 million)