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1 9月 2008

東京(1日)――国連難民高等弁務官事務所(UNHCR)第10代駐日代表に、ヨハン・セルス(Johan Cels)が着任した。



ルーベン大学(ベルギー)にて経済学修士号、ジョンズ・ホプキンス大学(イタリア)にて国際関係学修士号、ノートルダム大学(アメリカ)にて国際関係学博士号を修め、オックスフォード大学(イギリス) 難民学プログラムの客員研究員であった。



UNHCR駐日事務所 広報室

東京都渋谷区神宮前 5-53-70

Tel: 03-3499-2011/2310
Fax: 03-3499-2272



Mr. Johan Cels assumes his duties as Representative in Japan
Tokyo, 1 September 2008

Tokyo, 1 September (UNHCR) - The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Representation in Japan is pleased to announce the arrival of it’s Representative, Mr. Johan Cels, in Tokyo, Japan.

Mr. Johan Cels has been working with UNHCR for more than 18 years in various functions and countries, e.g., in Hong Kong, northern Iraq and eastern Turkey, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Ethiopia and USA. Prior to his assignment as Representative in Japan, he was a Senior Policy Advisor (Peace and Security) in New York, focusing on Sudan, Chad and Somalia, as well as on post-conflict recovery and peacebuilding strategies. He also worked as a Project Leader for the independent Commission on Human Security, co-chaired by Mrs. Sadako Ogata (former UN High Commissioner for Refugees) and Prof. Amartya Sen. Mr. Cels was a principal drafter of the report of the Commission on Human Security ? Human Security Now: Protecting and Empowering People (2003).

He holds a M.A. in Economics, University of Louvain, Belgium, a Diploma in International Relations, SAIS, Johns Hopkins University. He holds a Ph.D in International Relations, University of Notre Dame, USA. He served as a Visiting Research Fellow, Queen Elizabeth House, Oxford University.

Mr. Johan Cels is a nationality of Belgium.

Press Release (English-PDF)